City of Somerville header
File #: 209717    Version: 1
Type: Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 1/23/2020 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/13/2020 Final action: 3/12/2020
Enactment date: 2/13/2020 Enactment #: 209717
Title: Director of Parks and Recreation responding to #209152 re: Lincoln Park athletic field data.

  Agenda Text


Director of Parks and Recreation responding to #209152 re: Lincoln Park athletic field data.



Official Text

To the Honorable City Council:


In response to #209152:

This is an update to: That the Director of Parks and Recreation update this Council regarding quality control review, contractor warranty policy, and field use data of the Lincoln Park athletic field.


Youth soccer at the end of the season updated their actual usage versus permitted use. There were days and times of use that were less than what was permitted. Sections highlighted are the updates.


Lincoln Park Soccer Field Update: 1.16.20

Youth Soccer: 45 days/ 274 hours Fall Only. Field opened September 1st.

Update: Youth Soccer: 42 days/ 125.25 hours Fall Only. Field opened September 1st.

Youth Ultimate Frisbee: 24 days/ 24 hours Fall Only. Field opened September 1st.

Total Hours:

Soccer Field:  69 days/298 hours

Update: Soccer Field:  66 days/149.5 hours Plus school use reported = 214.5

Softball Field: 70 days/249 hours Fall Only. Field opened September 1st.
***Hours of use does not include causal non-permitted use.

Reported on December 3rd School uses approximately 60 minutes a day. 5 hours a week x 13 weeks= 65 hours from September to December. Causal use before school or after school not accounted for.


2019 Closures due to rain and/or saturated fields:

Between April-September 16 days

Between September- November 11 days

Total Closures due to Rain 27 days as of November 12, 2019

Lincoln Park Cultural Practices and Maintenance to date 11-8-2019

July 2019

                     MacKay contractors released control of Lincoln Park and Athletic Fields to City of Somerville. 

Summer 2019

                     Fields were mowed with a weekly frequency at the height of 2-2.25” to help combat broadleaf weeds and prevent microclimates from forming and causing diseases such as root or foliar Pythium. 

 August 24, 2019

                     All surrounding areas and athletic fields were Deep tine aerated with 12” solid core tines to fracture soil profile and allow water and oxygen into soil to strengthen soil profile and root health.                     

August 30, 2019

                     Fences were removed and field was opened for public use.  Permitting began 9-1-2019. 

September 27, 2019

                     Ben worked with Greenhaven to apply the following organic fertilization products

                     Earthworks Replenish 16-0-5 SG.   Earthworks Replenish 16-0-5 is a slow release nitrogen organic based product designed for maximum performance while still providing the proven soil building value. This product is a 50% water insoluble nitrogen product. 


                     Sili Cal SS SG (calcium silicate applied as a calcium supplement to strengthen cell walls and help proactively prevent cell breakdown.  This product helps us build turf resiliency and combat surface wear caused by heat, drought, disease, and surface feeding insects. 

September 30, 2019

                     Overseeding completed with “Hash Mark Sports Turf Mixture” through subcontractor Sports Turf Specialties. 

                     Soccer field was slice seeded in two directions at a rate of 5 pounds per thousand square feet each direction with extra focus on goal creases and midfield which was heavily used all fall. 


October 30, 2019

                     Permitting with SYSL ended for the Fall of 2019 to resume in Spring of 2020.  Field shows signs of overuse and excess wear with bear spots in the goal creases and through midfield(high traffic areas)

November 2019

                     One more application of fertilize and Overseed will be applied weather depending in the coming weeks



Maintenance plan Moving Forward for winter and spring of 2020

Our maintenance plan moving forward with Lincoln Park is listed below:

                     Add a temporary fence to regulate foot traffic in winter months and early field when the field begins to thaw after winter months to prevent turf and soil damage when the ground is saturated and soft.

                     Fertilize 5 times yearly

o                     May, June August, September, October

                     Calcium  additive 3 times yearly

o                     June, September, October

                     Aerate 5 times yearly weather depending

o                     May,  June, August, September, October

                     Topdress with 2mm sand every time that the soil is aerated

                     Overseed 1-2 times per year budget depending and based off of field wear and usage 



Supplemental information regarding the warranties for MacKay Construction, the General Contractor.


1)                     Mackay has a ONE-YEAR Warranty Period for all work, starting from the date of substantial completion, when the park opened to the public Friday July 20, 2018.


2)                     All plantings have a TWO-YEAR Warranty Period from the date of final acceptance, which in the case of the plantings, was agreed upon as August 31, 2018.


3)                     Corrective work/Punch List work: In cases where products, utilities or constructed features were found not to meet the requirements of the design or the construction specifications, the City has requested MacKay to come back and make those corrections. That work is ongoing; however, given the large and complicated nature of the park’s construction, and temperature requirements for some installations, some punch list work may not be completed until the spring of 2020.


Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.


Jill Lathan, Director of Parks & Recreation