Agenda Text
Requesting creation of a Consolidated Gift Account to support the "One Somerville" campaign.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
I respectfully request that your Honorable City Council approve the creation of a Consolidated Gift Account under the provisions of MGL Chapter 44, Section 53A to support the "One Somerville" Campaign.
The fund will be the repository for donations for One Somerville campaign items such as "Everyone is Welcome Here" or "One Somerville, Diversity is Our Strength" yard signs / stickers. All donated funds will be used to support the purchase of additional signs or items intended to promote the community's commitment to diversity, our support or our immigrant residents, and our status as a welcoming, sanctuary city.
The fund will be managed by the Communications Dept on behalf of the SomerViva Office of Immigrant Affairs.
My staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. Thank your for your consideration of this item.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph A. Curtatone, Mayor