Agenda Text
Official Text
The Committee on Licenses and Permits convened on May 26, 2010, with Chairman Bruce Desmond presiding and Committee Members Aldermen Robert Trane and Maryann Heuston also present and voting. Also present were Superintendent of Inspectional Services Ed Nuzzo and Assistant City Solicitor Matt Buckley.Public Hearing on the petition of Somerville Citgo dba Shield for a new Garage License at 620 Broadway:The petitioner asked for continuance and Alderman Heuston spoke in opposition to granting the request since many residents were present and prepared to speak on the item. The petitioner told the committee that he would like to have a neighborhood meeting and retain a lawyer, explaining why he would like a continuance. Alderman Heuston asked if the applicant had an item before the Planning Board and informed him that she believes he has confused the Planning Board application and the License and Permits application.The petitioner spoke in favor of the item and told the members about the history of the business and the fact that it is doing poorly. Taxes and expenses have gone up and revenue has gone down. He stated he needs a garage for his business to survive and he only wants to do inspections and no heavy repair work. Joe Galvin spoke in opposition to the item and stated that the property abuts the DAV and there will be too many vehicles at the site for the members of the DAV to enjoy their property?s backyard. Mr. Galvin also stated that he does not know where the business is being built. Dan Coyle, of Drain Doctors, stated he has had problems with the applicant regarding trash and upkeep of the property. Noting that the applicant throws trash onto the train tracks. Mr. Coyle also told the members that the property is not engineered correctly. Ashley Richards, of Boston Avenue, stated he is concerned about how this would impact the extension of the Green Line and he would like more information before this goes forward. The Public Hearing was closed.Chairman Desmond stated that Alderman O?Donovan would like more time to obtain additional information before a vote is taken and Alderman Heuston explained why the applicant?s argument is not reasonable. She does not believe that the Planning Board has reviewed this matter yet and she would like to see their opinion first. Alderman Heuston stated that she is inclined to deny the license since she does not think the applicant has been a good neighbor and has not been forthright in his application. She stated she will oppose the application. Mr. Nuzzo told the members that he would like to inspect the property.Public Hearing on the petition of APCA Third Avenue LLC for a new Garage License at 44 Third Avenue:Kathy Bachman, representing the applicant, spoke in favor of the petition and stated that she has been before the Planning Board. She presented a photo of the site and explained the reason for vehicle storage and described how the vehicles would be stored. Ms. Bachman told the members that a building permit would be issued once the item before Licenses and Permits is approved. Mr. Nuzzo stated that all guidelines have been met by the applicant. There were no speakers in opposition. The Public Hearing was closed.Public Hearing on the Petition for a Billiard/Pool Table and Bowling Alley License for 381 Summer Street Restaurant Inc. dba Rosebud:Jim Straticos, of Strat-o-Matic Vending, Inc., spoke in favor of the petition and discussed the location of the pool tables and the history of the establishment. There were no speakers in opposition. The Public Hearing was closed.189390 - Ward 2 Community Police Officer to work with the Committee on Licenses and Permits and the Superintendent of Inspectional Services on licensing compliance:Alderman Heuston stated that there used to be a police officer assigned to the Committee who was the go to person when ISD was closed. Chairman Desmond explained that the committee wanted the approval of the Chief of Police and Chief Cabral stated that Officer DiGregorio, or any other police officer, may be called upon to be of service to the committee. Alderman Heuston would like Officer Martini at the Licenses and Permits Committee meetings because most of the licenses at issue are in Ward 2.188561, 188742, 188964 and 189059 - Automatic Amusement Device License for Game Underground:The committee discussed this request and Mr. Buckley informed the members that under the current ordinance, the petitioner in question ?is prohibited from installing and operating the device as proposed and has no legal means to obtain a license to do so.?. Mr. Buckley noted, however, ?that the Board of Aldermen would be able to legally issue licenses, in its discretion, to premises proposing non-coin operated amusement devices by amending sub-section (b) of Section 8-15 by deleting the words ?coin or token operated?.?.The committee discussed matters before it and took action on the following 64 items: 189083: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Somerville Auto Repair, 453 Somerville Ave., 7 autos outside, 2 inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189489: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, Somerville Hospital, 230 Highland Ave., 15,000 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189490: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, J.C. Auto Repair, 91 Prospect St., 50 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189491: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, Mobil Mart Plus Inc., 379 Alewife Brook Pkwy., 33,450 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189492: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, M.S. Walker Inc., 15R Third Ave., 90,000 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189493: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, Mik Meg Corp., 57 Warren St., 18,000 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189494: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, Sunoco Service Station #0005-2175, 434-450 McGrath Hwy., 33,380 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189495: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, Broadway Brake Corp., 45 Broadway, 8,600 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189496: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, BBC Auto Repair, 483 Somerville Ave., 7,420 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189497: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, Home Depot #2667, 75 Mystic Ave., 34,136 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189498: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, Drake Petroleum Company Inc., 360 Medford St., 24,210 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189499: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, Winter Hill Yacht Club Inc., 130R Foley St., 7,000 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189500: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, Somerville Citgo Inc., 620 Broadway, 36,000 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189501: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, Dewire Family Trust, 387 Washington St., 3,500 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189502: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, PCJ Auto Services Inc., 343-345 Medford St. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189503: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, Cumberland Farms Inc., 701-709 Somerville Ave., 25,000 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189504: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, Simon?s Auto Service, 166 Boston Ave., 18,150 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189505: Flammable - Renewing Flammables License, General Glass and Mirror, 231 Lowell St., 1,000 gallons. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189507: Garage - New Garage License, APCA Third Avenue LLC, 44 Third Ave., 42 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189508: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Brasil Auto Repair, 621 Somerville Ave., 2 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189509: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Jim?s Heavy Duty Service, 42 Joy St., 7 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189510: Garage - Renewing Garage License, ABJ Foreign Auto Supply, 91 Marshall St., 3 autos inside, 27 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189511: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Hillside Service Center, 45 Mystic Ave., 10 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189512: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Walnut Hill Auto Body, 235 Lowell St., 8 autos inside, 2 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189513: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Boston Sand and Gravel, 492 Rutherford Ave., 60 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189514: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Metro Auto Repair, 47 Webster Ave., 14 autos inside, 6 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189515: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Mike?s Auto Service, 6E Beach Ave., 5 autos inside, 1 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189516: Garage - Renewing Garage License, City Auto Service, 13B Joy St., 2 autos inside, 4 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189517: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Tufts College, 26 Lower Campus Rd., 136 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189518: Garage - Renewing Garage License, JC Auto Repair, 91 Prospect St., 2 autos inside, 8 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189519: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Chicken & Shakes Automotive, 6A-6B Beach Ave., 8 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189520: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Broadway Brake, 45 Broadway, 3 autos inside, 27 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189521: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Flores Auto Repair, 6D Beach Ave., 4 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189522: Garage - Renewing Garage License, All Rite Auto, 38-42 Medford St., 4 autos inside, 6 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189523: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Dewire Family Trust, 381-383 Washington St., 22 autos inside, 30 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189524: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Dewire Family Trust, 139-147 Beacon St., 22 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189525: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Dewire Family Trust, 387 Washington St., 12 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189526: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Unlimited Auto Body, 471 Somerville Ave., 3 autos inside, 3 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189527: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Pat?s Auto Body, 13-19 Joy St., 22 autos inside, 20 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189528: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Pat?s Auto Body, 161 Linwood St., 25 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189529: Garage - Renewing Garage License, PCJ Auto Services, 343-345 Medford St., 2 autos inside, 5 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189530: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Monro Muffler Brake, 223 Washington St., 4 autos inside, 12 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189531: Garage - Renewing Garage License, United Auto Repair, 64-68 Joy St., 6 autos inside, 2 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189532: Garage - Renewing Garage License, DM Auto Body, 48 Joy St., 8 autos inside, 7 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189533: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Simon?s Auto Service, 166 Boston Ave., 2 autos inside, 2 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189534: Garage - Renewing Garage License, County Auto Repair, 107 Washington St., 4 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189535: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Fred Susan & Sons Auto Repair, 267-269 Somerville Ave., 12 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189536: Garage - Renewing Garage License, A Plus Auto Body, 297 Medford St., 10 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189537: Garage - Renewing Garage License, A Plus Auto Body, 295 Medford St., 20 autos inside, 11 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189538: Garage - Renewing Garage License, General Glass and Mirror, 231 Lowell St., 5 autos inside, 5 outside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189539: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Webster Auto Body, 64 Webster Ave., 25 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189540: Garage - Renewing Garage License, Service Auto Body, 69 Webster Ave., 11 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189541: Garage - Renewing Garage License, U-Save Auto Rental, 70 Prospect St., 6 autos inside. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189542: Sign - Sign/Awning License, Sathi Inc., 153 Highland Ave., sign. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189543: Pool Table - New Pool Table/Bowling Alley License, 381 Summer St. Restaurant Inc. dba Rosebud, 381 Summer St., 3 pool RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189544: Lodging House - Renewing Lodging House License, Tufts Chapter of Delta Upsilon, 114 Professors Row. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189545: Lodging House - Renewing Lodging House License, Tufts Chapter of Delta Tau Delta, 98 Professors Row. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189547: Extended Hours - Renewing Extended Operating Hours License, Moe?s BBQ Trolley, Tufts Campus, Th-Sa and holidays to 3AM. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189549: Hawker Peddler - Renewing Hawker Peddler License, Moe?s BBQ Trolley, Food, primarily Trum Field and Tufts Campus. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189550: Junk Dealer - Renewing Junk Dealer License, Imperial Jewelry, 499 Medford St., precious metals. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189551: Junk Dealer - Renewing Junk Dealer License, Game Underground, 1123 Broadway, videogames. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189552: Outsoor Seating - Renewing Outdoor Seating License, Dali Restaurant, 415 Washington St., 2 benches. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189553: Outsoor Seating - Renewing Outdoor Seating License, Boston Burger Company, 37 Davis Sq., 5 tables, 10 chairs, A-frame sign. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor 189555: Outsoor Seating - Renewing Outdoor Seating License, Eddie?s Furniture, 95 Elm St., merchandise. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 3 - 0 in favor