Agenda Text
Supporting House Bill H.3924, the Tenant Protection Act.
Official Text
WHEREAS: The City of Somerville is facing an affordable housing crisis which is particularly acute for tenants; and
WHEREAS: The City of Somerville has undertaken bold action within our municipal authority to address this crisis, including the establishment of 20% inclusionary zoning, the creation of the Office of Housing Stability, the creation of strong regulations for short-term rentals, the overhauling of our Condo Conversion Ordinance, the passage of a Tenant Notification Act, and meeting robust goals for housing production, especially near transit nodes; and
WHEREAS: Since 2018, the City of Somerville has passed two Home Rule Petitions that, if passed, would dramatically improve our ability to address our housing crisis and to protect vulnerable tenants, namely the Real Estate Transfer Fee, and the Tenants Right to Purchase, both of which closely align with local option bills filed by Rep. Connolly (H.1769) and Rep. Provost (H.2017), respectively; and
WHEREAS: The Tenant Protection Act (H.3924), filed by Rep. Connolly and Rep. Elugardo, is a local option bill that would allow Somerville’s elected officials to consider enacting tenant protection measures including rent stabilization and Just Cause Eviction for buildings including four or more units; and
WHEREAS: Somerville Mayor Curtatone has offered his strong support for H.3924; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED: That the Somerville City Council joins Mayor Curtatone in supporting H.3924 Tenant Protection Act, and respectfully urges the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to pass this measure; AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED: That the City Clerk forward a copy of this resolution to Somerville’s legislative delegation.