City of Somerville header
File #: 189286    Version: 1
Type: Mayor's Request Status: Approved
File created: 4/21/2010 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/22/2010 Final action: 12/16/2010
Enactment date: 12/16/2010 Enactment #: 189286
Title: Ordinance Amending the Local Historic District Map to Create Five (5) New Districts (East Somerville, Hinckley-Magoun, Orchard Street, Prospect Hill, and Union Square) and Add Seventeen (17) Properties to These Districts, and to Add Five (5) Properties to Central-Atherton-Spring-Summer (CASS) District (Group C)
Code sections: Ordinance Not Zoning -
Attachments: 1. LHD Expansion Group C (staff report) 4-22-10, 2. LHD Expansion Group C (all attachments) 4-22-10, 3. Final Report fr SHPC to BOA - Gp C- post SHPC Vote jbw 4

  Agenda Text


Ordinance Amending the Local Historic District Map to Create Five (5) New Districts (East Somerville, Hinckley-Magoun, Orchard Street, Prospect Hill, and Union Square) and Add Seventeen (17) Properties to These Districts, and to Add Five (5) Properties to Central-Atherton-Spring-Summer (CASS) District (Group C)



Official Text

Dear Members of the Board of Aldermen:


Attached please find an ordinance adopting map amendments pursuant to the Historic District Ordinance, first adopted in 1985, which proposes to:  1) create five new LHDs (East Somerville, Hinckley-Magoun, Orchard Street, Prospect Hill, and Union Square) and add 17 properties to these districts; 2) expand one existing LHD (the Central-Atherton-Spring-Summer (CASS) by adding five properties.  These properties have been labeled as Group C:  1865-1873 for the purposes of review of the proposed expansion of LHDs.


The proposed map amendments fulfill an overriding goal of the municipal ordinance by offering critical protection to older buildings that are emblematic of our community’s cultural heritage.  This goal is also an underpinning of the CDBG Comprehensive Plan which seeks to preserve and enhance the City’s housing stock and population diversity.  The overall purpose of designating local historic districts is to make Somerville a more attractive and desirable place to live, work, and visit.  This can be promoted by officially recognizing the value of our remaining historically and architecturally significant properties, and helping to conserve them over the longer term.  As we continue to move forward with rezoning of certain areas that need revitalization and redevelopment, we must also capitalize on our rich architectural heritage and appreciate the great economic value it brings to the community.  Preservation is a cornerstone of Smart Growth strategies and the Green Movement as it recognizes that it is better to save and enhance, rather than to demolish and build with cheaper and less durable materials. 


The buildings in this third grouping of properties are noteworthy because they were predominantly built at the time when Somerville was changing from a town to an incorporated city shortly following the end of the Civil War, and at time when the community was experiencing some prosperity.  The proposed LHDs are also striking because they provide a visually appealing cluster of historically significant houses that represent a variety of architectural styles in many different neighborhoods of Somerville - East Somerville, Prospect Hill, Union Square, Spring Hill, and Magoun Square. 


Designation of these historic districts will not change the ownership or curtail the use of these properties.  Rather it will help preserve their key exterior architectural features, and discourage the use of incompatible materials that detract from the historical character of the area.  It is important to note that historic districts and designation does not prevent change from occurring, nor does it prevent new development.  The intent of designation is to ensure that improvements and additions are reviewed in the context of the district and that there is thoughtful consideration of change.  The review only applies to exterior architectural features that are publicly visible. 


The attached package of map amendments and supporting survey forms and other documentation is the culmination of four and a half years of work by the City’s Historic Preservation Commission.  I want to thank them for their dedication, perseverance, and hard work in helping us identify those properties which are special and deserving of historic designation.  I urge your Honorable Board to view these amendments as a way to preserve significant vestiges of our past while we continue to move ahead seeking new growth and development for the future well-being of our community.


Staff from the Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development will be available to respond to any questions you may have.


Thank you for your consideration.