City of Somerville header
File #: 202457    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Placed on File
File created: 11/7/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/22/2016 Final action: 4/27/2017
Enactment date: 11/22/2016 Enactment #: 202457
Title: Assistant City Solicitor responding to #201905 with a draft ordinance to extend protections for trees on city-owned property.
Code sections: Ordinance Not Zoning -
Attachments: 1. Draft Tree Ordinance

  Agenda Text


Assistant City Solicitor responding to #201905 with a draft ordinance to extend protections for trees on city-owned property.



Official Text

To the Honorable Board:


In response to Order #201905, please find attached the Law Department's response to the order to "develop or amend an ordinance covering trees on city-owned properties, (including schools), that extends the protections and requirements for public notice and hearing currently enjoyed under state law for 'public shade trees,' i.e., trees that are located on city streets."


A draft ordinance has been attached for your consideration and review.


Please contact me if I can be of any further assistance.


Shannon T. Phillips

Assistant City Solicitor