City of Somerville header
File #: 213617    Version: 1
Type: Resolution Status: Approved
File created: 4/26/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/28/2022 Final action: 4/28/2022
Enactment date: 4/28/2022 Enactment #: 213617
Title: In support of drive-share workers.
Sponsors: Willie BurnleyJr., Beatriz GomezMouakad, Ben Ewen-Campen, Charlotte Kelly, Jake Wilson, Jefferson Thomas ("J.T.") Scott, Jesse Clingan, Judy PinedaNeufeld, Kristen Strezo, Lance L. Davis, Matthew McLaughlin

  Agenda Text


In support of drive-share workers.



Official Text

WHEREAS:                     For society to work fairly for everyone, large tech companies, like Uber, Lyft, and                                           should follow the same rules as every other business; and


WHEREAS:                     Uber and several of these giant tech companies do not pay into Social Security, do not pay important business taxes, and do not pay their workers fairly or consistently by the same rules that apply to all businesses in Massachusetts; and


WHEREAS:                     Attorney General Healey is currently suing Uber and Lyft for failing to follow our law; and


WHEREAS:                     In an attempt to escape these violations, the companies have filed House Bill 1234 and a 2022 state ballot referendum question, asking Massachusetts legislators and voters to grant them special exemptions from our labor, civil rights, and consumer protection laws; and


WHEREAS:                     The Big Tech sponsored bill exempts these "gig economy" companies from paying into Social Security and unemployment, which would cost Massachusetts taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, and weakening these programs for everyone; and also attempts to shield these companies from liability and financial responsibility if customers or members of the public are injured; and


WHEREAS:                     The bill, if passed, would create a permanent underclass of low-wage, mostly Black, Brown, and immigrant workers by allowing these companies to pay their workers less than minimum wage and provide few, if any, benefits; and


WHEREAS:                     At a moment of racial reckoning in our country, the bill would exclude app-based workers from the robust protections against racial discrimination and sexual harassment under the Massachusetts Civil Rights Act, MGL c. 151B; and according to many leading voices, passing this bill would be among the biggest steps backwards in the fight for equity and opportunity at work since the passage of the 1964 Civil Right Act; and


WHEREAS:                     Last year, in California, the same companies pushing House Bill 1234 spent more than $200 million to win a ballot initiative campaign and now these companies believe they can buy a law to avoid paying into Social Security, avoid paying taxes, and harm workers and consumers; and


WHEREAS:                     Big Tech executives seek to present a false choice, suggesting that if low-wage workers are given any control over their schedules, they must sacrifice the rights and benefits our laws provide; yet there is nothing that prevents these companies from offering flexible scheduling while also following our civil rights and labor laws today; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT


RESOLVED:                     That the Somerville City Council joins many workers, members of the faith, as well as environmental justice, racial justice, labor, civil rights, and consumer advocates to urge the Massachusetts Legislature and the residents of Somerville to oppose House Bill 1234 and the proposed 2022 state ballot initiative; and BE IT FURTHER


RESOLVED:                     That this Council stands in support of every worker having the right to fair wages, safe conditions, and the right to unionize.