City of Somerville header
File #: 202960    Version: 1
Type: Officer's Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 2/23/2017 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/9/2017 Final action: 4/13/2017
Enactment date: 3/9/2017 Enactment #: 202960
Title: DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 2/14/17.

  Agenda Text


DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 2/14/17.



Official Text

Somerville Board of Aldermen - Orders for 2/14/17 Meeting

ORDER                                          8.                      Order

(ID # 15482)                      By Ald. Connolly, Davis

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the broken street lamps in Davis Square Plaza.

RESOLUTION                     Will be done as soon as parts come in.


ORDER                                           9.                      Order

(ID # 15483)                      By Ald. McWatters

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the pothole on the corner of Craigie and Summer Streets.

RESOLUTION                     Completed.


ORDER                                          10.                      Order

(ID # 15484)                      By Ald. McWatters

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the sidewalk panel across from 37 Lowell Street.

RESOLUTION                     This will be put onto the list for Spring.


ORDER                                          11.                      Order

(ID # 15485)                      By Ald. McWatters

That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the sidewalk panels on Warren Avenue from Properzi Manner to the Citizens Bank.

RESOLUTION                     We will replace panels that need to be replaced in the Spring.                     


ORDER                                          19.                      Order

(ID # 15493)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works fill in the gravel area around the storm drain on the west side of Cedar Street near Lexington Avenue.

RESOLUTION                     Completed.


ORDER                                          20.                      Order

(ID # 15494)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works fill the two potholes on the east side of Cedar Street between 143 Cedar Street and Albion Street.

RESOLUTION                     Completed.


ORDER                                          26.                      Order

(ID # 15507)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works inform contractors of the importance of communicating with neighbors about construction and parking changes.

RESOLUTION                     I will forward this request to Engineering.


ORDER                                          34.                      Order

(ID # 15538)                      By Ald. Davis

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the missing bricks in Davis Square at the end of Highland Avenue near Mike's Pizza.

RESOLUTION                     This will be done in the Spring.