Agenda Text
Requesting the adoption of a zoning amendment to Amend Article 16 to establish that owners or developers of future PUD projects may not seek a waiver of any change to affordable housing requirements.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board of Aldermen:
In response to BOA item number 204428, the legal and planning staff have prepared this ordinance that will limit the ability for future developers of Planned Unit Development (PUD) projects to waive any change in affordable housing requirements between the approval of the PUD preliminary master plan and the approval of a special permit for any project within the PUD area.
A copy of this ordinance was provided to the Land Use Committee in December, and forwarded to the Planning Board, per the request of the Committee at the December meeting.
My staff and I look forward to discussing this amendment with your Honorable Board.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph A. Curtatone