Agenda Text
Requesting acceptance of a $26,500 Grant from MA Dept. of Environmental Protection to the DPW for recycling dividends from the Sustainable Materials Recovery Program.
Official Text
Dear Honorable Board of Alderman:
I request your board's approval to accept a grant from the MassDEP in the amount of $26,500.00. The City of Somerville received Recycling Dividends funds under the Sustainable Materials Recovery Program. The Recycling Dividends Program (RDP) provides payments to municipalities that have implemented specific programs and policies proven to maximize reuse, recycling and waste reduction.
In accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53A, which requires a vote of the Board of Aldermen for the expenditure of grants or gifts from the Federal government, a charitable foundation, private corporations, or an individual or from the Commonwealth, a country or a municipality or agency thereof, I request that you accept this donation.
Thank you for your consideration.
Joseph A. Curtatone