Agenda Text
Official Text
The Committee on Finance convened on May 26, 2010, with Chairman Maryann Heuston presiding and Committee Members Aldermen William White, John Connolly and Rebekah Gewirtz also present and voting. Also present were Administrative Assistant Matt Dias, Police Chief Michael Cabral, City Solicitor Frank Wright, Finance Director Ed Beane, Executive Director of OSPCD Monica Lamboy and Manager of Capital Projects Gerry Boyle.189287 - approval to hire outside counsel in cable license renewal negotiations:Mr. Wright discussed the reasons for hiring outside counsel to handle this matter and Chairman Heuston will leave the item in committee for further review.189459 - approval to transfer funds within ISD to fund overtime, extermination and sanitary code services:Ms. Lamboy explained why the funds were requested and she discussed the health issues surrounding the overtime, including the recent problems with rodents.189460 - approval to transfer funds for the appointment of the City Solicitor:Mr. Bean explained that the transfer concerns the filling of the City Solicitor?s position.189461 - approval to expend a grant from Tufts for Police Dept. staffing:Chief Cabral discussed the overtime pay for the Tufts Spring Fling and told the members that the cost is paid for by Tufts.189458 - approval to appropriate and borrow funds for the relocation of the School Dept. central administrative officesMr. Dias told the committee that the property in question is the former health center on Cross Street. Mr. Boyle discussed the proposed renovation in detail and explained how the project would benefit the city financially, in part, by ending the current lease at the Boys and Girls Club. Alderman White would like representatives from the School Department and OSPCD to explain the situation and determine if there might be other city parcels that may be better suited for the plan. Additionally, Alderman White said that he would like to know what the plan is for the Cummings School. Chairman Heuston asked if there are other city buildings that could be used at a lesser cost. Alderman Connolly would like the Superintendent of Schools to appear before the committee at its next meeting to discuss the logic behind the proposed move. Alderman Gewirtz is concerned about the lack of information provided to the Board of Aldermen on this matter and she would like to know what the long term plan of the School Department is. Mr. Boyle stated that the School Department has deferred to the Administration. The School Dept and OSPCD should be present at the next meeting to discuss the issue.The committee discussed matters before it and took action on the following 3 items: 189459: Communication from Mayor - Requesting approval to transfer $18,000 from the ISD Salaries Acct. to the ISD Overtime ($8,000), Extermination ($7,000), and Professional Services ($3,000) Accts., to fund overtime, extermination, and sanitary code services. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 4 - 0 in favor 189460: Communication from Mayor - Requesting approval to transfer $2,870 from the Salary Contingency Acct. to the Law Salaries Acct., to fund the appointment of the City Solicitor. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 4 - 0 in favor 189461: Communication from Mayor - Requesting approval to expend a grant of $5,676.28 from Tufts for Police Dept. staffing during Tufts Spring Fling. RECOMMENDATION: Should be approved VOTE: Unanimous, 4 - 0 in favor