Agenda Text
DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 11/13/14.
Official Text
Somerville Board of Aldermen - Orders for 11/13/14 Meeting
ORDER 9. Order
(ID # 10579) By Ald. Connolly, Rossetti, Sullivan, White Jr., Gewirtz
That the Commissioner of Public Works direct NStar to repair their non-operational floodlights on either side of the Willow Avenue transfer station.
RESOLUTION Request has been sent to W. Zamperelli at NStar to complete.
ORDER 11. Order
(ID # 10582) By Ald. Connolly
That the Commissioner of Public Works report to the Committee on Public Health and Safety on the streetlamp repair contractor and the repairs of streetlamps.
RESOLUTION Presently there are 53 open work orders. The contractor has improved.
ORDER 15. Order
(ID # 10558) By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works notify NStar to provide justification for its proposal to cut down a tree on Gilman Terrace to make room for its wires.
RESOLUTION This tree caught on fire due to the electrical wires and needs to be removed by NStar.
ORDER 16. Resolution
(ID # 10559) By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Administration and NSTAR provide this Board with an update regarding the numerous blackouts in East Somerville and the surrounding neighborhoods.
RESOLUTION The last blackout was caused by a squirrel. I am presently waiting for a written response from NStar.
ORDER 20. Order
(ID # 10563) By Ald. Heuston
That the Commissioner of Public Works provide a regular maintenance schedule for Perry Park to include proper functioning of lights, trimming of trees and attention to foliage.
RESOLUTION The request for regular maintenance for Perry Park involves many divisions within DPW. The functioning of the lights issue is being addressed with the retrofit and a subsequent upgrade to LED lighting fixtures which require will require less maintenance and replacement. The lights and lines division is currently responding to the citizen’s request. The trimming of trees is impacted by the “old growth” trees which have been growing for years and require the larger equipment of the highway Department to be able to reach the limbs for trimming and overgrowth. This is reviewed semiannually to determine the needs and a plan of action. The parks department does maintain the foliage in the park on a regular rotating basis. There are forty parks that are maintained and there is a plan that provides regular site visits and reporting of conditions to the DPW management.
ORDER 23. Order
(ID # 10566) By Ald. Heuston
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street light at the corner of Prospect Street and Somerville Avenue.
RESOLUTION Contractor will be notified of the outage.
ORDER 25. Order
(ID # 10570) By Ald. Niedergang
That the Commissioner of Public Works trim the tree at 84 Albion Street.
ORDER 26. Order
(ID # 10571) By Ald. Niedergang
That the Commissioner of Public Works complete all work before the winter in the Magoun Square neighborhood on the street, sidewalk, handicapped ramp and catch basin at Berwick and Hinckley Streets and also at Fennell and Hinckley Streets.
RESOLUTION This is being worked on and will be completed by Wednesday, 11/26/14.
ORDER 28. Order
(ID # 10573) By Ald. Niedergang
That the Commissioner of Public Works direct the contractor to repair the already-cracked new sidewalk in front of 88 Albion Street and at other locations on Albion Street between Lowell and Central Streets.
RESOLUTION A letter was sent to the contractor responsible for the work requestings that they address this issue as soon as weather permits in the spring.
ORDER 35. Order
(ID # 10588) By Ald. McWatters
That the Commissioner of Public Works determine if it is feasible to place a bump out at the corner of Bonner and Columbus Avenues.
RESOLUTION The Highway Superintendent will investigate this request.
ORDER 36. Order
(ID # 10589) By Ald. McWatters
That the Commissioner of Public Works trim the tree at the Corner of Columbus Avenue and Walnut Street.
ORDER 38. Order
(ID # 10591) By Ald. McWatters
That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the broken and upraised sidewalk panels on Warren Avenue from Properzi Manner to Citizens Bank.
RESOLUTION Will inspect area to make safe for now and replace the necessary area in the spring.
ORDER 104. Order
(ID # 10613) By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the sidewalk on Pinckney Place.
RESOLUTION This will be done in the spring.