City of Somerville header
File #: 211243    Version: 1
Type: Order Status: Approved
File created: 2/9/2021 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/11/2021 Final action: 10/28/2021
Enactment date: 2/11/2021 Enactment #: 211243
Title: That the Director of Mobility and the Director of Infrastructure and Asset Management collaborate to write responses to the questions contained within regarding the Spring Hill separation project.
Sponsors: Katjana Ballantyne

  Agenda Text


That the Director of Mobility and the Director of Infrastructure and Asset Management collaborate to write responses to the questions contained within regarding the Spring Hill separation project.



Official Text

Agenda Text


That the Director of Mobility and Director of Infrastructure and Asset Management collaborate in writing responses to these questions, by the March Traffic and Parking Committee meeting, regarding the Spring Hill separation project:



Official Text

1) What is the schedule of finalizing the design for Highland Phase 1 and what is delaying the finalization of the design?


2) What is the extent of the subsurface work (sewer/water main) on Highland Ave in phase 1?


3) If parking were to be reallocated on one side of Highland Ave in Phase 1, how many spaces would that be?


4) Regarding including protected bike lanes, what elements of the design must happen before the project is put out for construction bids?  What elements of the design can change after that and during construction?


5) If parking reallocation is found to be feasible, could protected bike lanes be built as part of the Phase 1 construction process, or will a separate “quick build” project be required regardless?


6) Were the parking mitigation strategies raised as part of the Central Hill campus planning process evaluated by the city?  Why were they not pursued?  Are they being assessed now?


7) Was the GLX and the changes to zoning incorporated into either of the parking studies that took place during the Central Hill/High School process?


8) What were the results of the Central Hill employee survey regarding how employees got to campus?  Were any employees receptive to changing transportation modes in response to financial incentives?


9) What changes has City Hall made to date, in response to the plan to reallocate parking from the Central Hill campus to discourage employees from driving?


10) Does the City know whether or not the McGrath Boulevard designs include a cycle track?


11) Without a safe bike route on Highland Ave, what route would the city recommend for bicycling from Central @ Highland to Prospect Hill Park (or to the northern parts of Prescott/Putnam)?


12) What were the results from the survey posted after the February 2020 Spring Hill Sewer Separation meeting?


13) What community feedback has the City gotten about not including protected bicycle lanes on Highland Ave?  How did they validate with relevant advisory committees that that was an appropriate decision?   What process and timeline did the City envision for getting feedback on that decision?