City of Somerville header
File #: 200558    Version: 1
Type: Officer's Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 12/10/2015 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/14/2016 Final action: 12/10/2020
Enactment date: 1/14/2016 Enactment #: 200558
Title: DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 11/24/15.

  Agenda Text


DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 11/24/15.



Official Text

Somerville Board of Aldermen - Orders for 11/24/15 Meeting

ORDER                                          15.                      Order

(ID # 12841)                      By Ald. Rossetti, Connolly, Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works install additional lighting in the area of 483 Medford Street.

RESOLUTION                     I will work with the LED light installer to investigate this location.


ORDER                                           19.                      Order

(ID # 12846)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works remove the trash by Mt. Vernon Street and Broadway, on the highway side of the street.

RESOLUTION                     The Buildings and Ground Superintendent has assigned ROCA this area to begin the process of clean up. It will be completed sometime next week.


ORDER                                          22.                      Order

(ID # 12849)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works provide more lighting on Cross Street, between Pearl Street and McGrath Highway.

RESOLUTION                     I will request that the provider of our recent study of lights, Tanko, reconfirm the new wattages in this area.


ORDER                                          23.                      Order

(ID # 12850)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works create clearly defined lines along Walnut Street, by Pearl Street and Broadway, to eliminate two lane traffic problems.

RESOLUTION                     Request should be directed to Traffic and Parking Department.


ORDER                                          26.                      Order

(ID # 12919)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the lights on batting cages inside the Edgerly School.

RESOLUTION                     These cages are rented out regularly. The Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds made arrangements to have the contractor fix the lights, should be complete.


ORDER                                          27.                      Order

(ID # 12920)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works make the East Somerville Library bathroom ADA-compliant.

RESOLUTION                     I will meet with Betsy Allen to review and plan the necessary work.


ORDER                                          28.                      Order

(ID # 12921)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works clean the grassy area on McGrath Highway adjacent to 42 Otis Street.

RESOLUTION                     This is the responsibility of MassDOT, district four. I will forward the director this request.


ORDER                                          29.                      Order

(ID # 12922)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works install a street light on the corner of Otis Street and McGrath Highway by the overpass.

RESOLUTION                     This is the responsibility of MassDOT, district four. I will forward the director this request.


ORDER                                          30.                      Order

(ID # 12923)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works address the tangled wires at 35 Otis Street.

RESOLUTION                     The Superintendent of Lights and Lines is addressing this issue.


ORDER                                          35.                      Order

(ID # 12928)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the broken street lights on Washington Street, between Tufts and Florence Streets, and in front of the park on Florence Street.

RESOLUTION                     This will be submitted to contractor for repair.


ORDER                                          36.                      Order

(ID # 12929)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works install an ADA accessible ramp on the Pearl Street side of the East Somerville Community School.

RESOLUTION                     I will work with Betsy Allen to accomplish.


ORDER                                          39.                      Order

(ID # 12932)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works clean out the alley between the Edgerly School and 15 Otis Street.

RESOLUTION                     The custodial staff has been assigned the project and it will be completed promptly.


ORDER                                          43.                      Order

(ID # 12936)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works contact Mass DOT about shoveling the paths by Sullivan Square before snow falls.

RESOLUTION                     Please contact me so we can improve upon this service.


ORDER                                          44.                      Order

(ID # 12937)                      By Ald. McLaughlin

That the Commissioner of Public Works ensure construction signs are taken down along Broadway after construction.

RESOLUTION                     After the contract is signed off on and complete, I will be sure the construction signs are taken down by MassDOT.


ORDER                                          54.                      Order

(ID # 12858)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the lamp post at Old Magoun’s Saloon in Magoun Square.

RESOLUTION                     I have requested that Lights and Lines Department replace this light.


ORDER                                          57.                      Order

(ID # 12861)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works check the timer on the Kennedy playground lights as they turn on and shut off at random times.

RESOLUTION                     I have requested that Lights and Lines Department to address this request.


ORDER                                          61.                      Order

(ID # 12968)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the sidewalk that is collapsing in front of 11 Woodbine Street.

RESOLUTION                     Sidewalk work moratorium has been instituted. Will request Highway Department make safe and it will be put on the repair list for Spring.


ORDER                                          64.                      Order

(ID # 12842)                      By Ald. Sullivan, Lafuente, White Jr.

That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the 3 raised sidewalk panels at 61 Dartmouth Street so they align with the curb.

RESOLUTION                     These will be inspected and repaired to safe. Will put on list for replacement in the spring.


ORDER                                          65.                      Order

(ID # 12865)                      By Ald. Sullivan, McLaughlin, Connolly, Rossetti, White Jr.

That the Commissioner of Public Works trim the tree in the Florence Playground near 14 Pinckney Street.

RESOLUTION                     Tree truck currently out for service. Will complete job once truck is returned.


ORDER                                          66.                      Order

(ID # 12866)                      By Ald. Sullivan

That the Commissioner of Public Works repaint the faded NO CYCLING markers on sidewalks and install NO BIKE RIDING - PLEASE WALK YOUR BIKE signs in central business districts.

RESOLUTION                     This request should be referred to Traffic and Parking.


ORDER                                          71.                      Order

(ID # 12975)                      By Ald. Sullivan, McLaughlin, White Jr., Rossetti, Connolly

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the wrought iron fence at the East Branch Library.

RESOLUTION                     I will review the request with OSPCD and work to secure funding.


ORDER                                          73.                      Order

(ID # 12899)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the crumbling sidewalk panels on Dane Street along the bridge area.

RESOLUTION                     Panels will be inspected and temporarily repaired. Will schedule replacement in Spring.


ORDER                                          74.                      Order

(ID # 12900)                      By Ald. Heuston, McWatters

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street light directly in front of the Union Square Post Office as well as any other broken or failing street lights in Union Square.

RESOLUTION                     Will refer to the vendor for repair.


ORDER                                          75.                      Order

(ID # 12901)                      By Ald. Heuston, McWatters

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works install additional lighting in trees in Union Square.

RESOLUTION                     Will have our Lights and Lines department evaluate and install additional lights.


ORDER                                          76.                      Order

(ID # 12902)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the clock in the Argenziano School cafeteria which has been broken for the last 5 years.

RESOLUTION                     Vendor has been contacted to repair this.


ORDER                                          77.                      Order

(ID # 12903)                      By Ald. Heuston

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the door to the Argenziano School cafeteria.

RESOLUTION                     Vendor has been contacted to repair this.


ORDER                                          78.                      Order

(ID # 12904)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the City Engineer provide information on the recent water and sewer problem in the Joseph Street and Adrian Street area and whether the problem is permanently resolved.

RESOLUTION                     Water Department performed permanent water repairs at Lincoln Street. I will be checking street drainage at the handicap ramps.


ORDER                                          79.                      Order

(ID # 12905)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the City Engineer contact the owners of the Ames Complex to identify and resolve flooding issues related to that property.

RESOLUTION                     I will contact the owners to investigate the flooding with that area.


ORDER                                          80.                      Order

(ID # 12906)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the Director of Traffic and Parking, the Supervisor of Inspectional Services and the Commissioner of Public Works collaborate address traffic issues on Washington Street from Union Square to the McGrath Highway, including unstable street plates, roadway depressions, orange traffic cones and other impediments.

RESOLUTION                     Will address this issue with Traffic and Parking.


ORDER                                          81.                      Order

(ID # 12964)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the Commissioner of Public Works and the Director of Traffic and Parking inform this Board how to petition for exemption from the new 2016 Snow Removal regulations, and post the process on the city’s website well in advance of the 2016 winter season.

RESOLUTION                     There is no exemption process. However, the existing areas that are presently different will continue to remain the same.


ORDER                                          82.                      Order

(ID # 12965)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the Commissioner of Public Works contact the appropriate utility to address the low hanging wires on Hunting Street leading to South Street.

RESOLUTION                     The Superintendent of Lights and Lines is working this issue.


ORDER                                          83.                      Order

(ID # 12966)                      By Ald. Heuston

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street light at 379 Washington Street.

RESOLUTION                     Have forwarded request to contractor for repair.


ORDER                                          84.                      Order

(ID # 12967)                      By Ald. Heuston

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works paint the hydrant at 379 Washington Street.

RESOLUTION                     Will have painted.


ORDER                                          93.                      Order

(ID # 12959)                      By Ald. McWatters

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the sidewalk panels at 59 Boston Street.

RESOLUTION                     Panels will be inspected and temporarily repaired. Will schedule replacement in Spring.


ORDER                                          98.                      Order

(ID # 12955)                      By Ald. Ballantyne

That the Commissioner of Public Works explain why 12 foot high tree stumps remain after trees have been cut.

RESOLUTION                     Stumps will be removed during the month of December.


ORDER                                          99.                      Order

(ID # 12956)                      By Ald. Ballantyne

That the Director of SPCD, the Commissioner of Public Works and the Director of Sustainability and Environment consider the pros and cons of artificial turf and identify alternative designs for city parks.

RESOLUTION                     OSPCD is preparing an analysis, which will inform the fields planning process.


ORDER                                          100.                      Order

(ID # 12957)                      By Ald. Ballantyne

That the Director of SPCD and the Commissioner of Public Works advise this Board of the minimum ADA requirements for hard surfaces at parks.

RESOLUTION                     I will refer this item to ADA.