Agenda Text
Director of Commissions responding to #193203 re: the City's Boards and Commissions.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
Please find attached a response by the Director of Somerville Commissions to Board Order 193203: "That the Director of Commissions prepare a report for the Board of Alderman on the status of Somerville commissions membership and activities and include in such report information on the following 4 items:
1. A list of the number of authorized members and vacancies for each commission,
2. A list of the commissions without sufficient appointed members to constitute a quorum so that they cannot meet,
3. The number of meetings held by each commission during calendar year 2011, and
4. Plans to fill vacant commission positions."
The Somerville Office of Commissions, a program within the Health Department is responsible for three of the forty commissions, boards, councils and committees reviewed in response to this order.
Of the 40 boards/commissions/councils, 25 had vacant/expired positions.
A comprehensive list of groups, current membership, required enabling legislation number, and current vacancies is attached.
Respectfully submitted,
Sonja Darai
Director of Commissions