Agenda Text
Requesting the change of 5 voting locations: W3 P1 from Properzi Manor to the Central Library Community Room, W3 P3 from the Dante Club to the St. Catherine's Church Gym, W6 P1 from the Kennedy School to the Dilboy VFW Post, W6 P3 from the Holy Bible Baptist Church to the West Somerville Neighborhood School, and W7 P3 from the VNA Alewife Brook Facility to the West Somerville Neighborhood School.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
I respectfully request that your Honorable City Council consider and approve our request to temporarily change the following five polling locations due to COVID-19 for the September 1, 2020 Primary and the November 3, 2020 Election.
1) Ward 3 Precinct 1 from Properzi Manor, 13-25 Warren Ave, to the Central Library Community Room, 79 Highland Ave.
2) Ward 3 Precinct 3 from the Dante Club, 5 Dante Terrace, to the Saint Catherine’s Church Gym, 179 Summer St.
3) Ward 6 Precinct 1 from the John F. Kennedy School Sartwell Ave entrance, 5 Cherry St, to the George Dilboy VFW Post, 351 Summer St.
4) Ward 6 Precinct 3 from the Holy Bible Baptist Church, 14 Chapel St, to the West Somerville Neighborhood School Powderhouse Blvd entrance, 177 Powder House Blvd.
5) Ward 7 Precinct 3 from the VNA Assisted Living Facility, 405 Alewife Brook Pky, to the West Somerville Neighborhood School Raymond Ave entrance, 177 Powder House Blvd.
My staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Joseph A. Curtatone, Mayor