City of Somerville header
File #: 207621    Version: 1
Type: Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 2/27/2019 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/28/2019 Final action: 2/28/2019
Enactment date: 2/28/2019 Enactment #: 207621
Title: Conveying a letter from several community groups to Tufts University President Monaco regarding its Pilot Agreement.
Sponsors: Matthew McLaughlin
Attachments: 1. Tufts Letter

  Agenda Text


Conveying a letter from several community groups to Tufts University President Monaco regarding its Pilot Agreement.



Official Text

January 15, 2018

To: Anthony P. Monaco, President

Tufts University

Ballou Hall - 2nd Floor

Medford, MA 02155

cc: Mayor Joseph Curtatone and Somerville Board of Alderman


Subject: In support of a better PILOT and Tufts University/Community Partnership


Dear President Monaco,


As you sit down to negotiate a new PILOT and Partnership agreement with your host communities of Medford and Somerville, we wanted to remind you of what is at stake and ask you to bargain in good faith.


We value having Tufts University as a part of our community, but Tufts commitments in past agreements have come up short in acknowledging the value of our communities. Even when compared to Tufts’ agreement for its Boston campus, Somerville and Medford are short changed. Tufts pays approximately 25% (half in cash and half in-kind) of its potential real estate taxes in Boston but only 4% in Somerville. Tufts promotes our cities’ thriving and culturally diverse neighborhoods and squares, safe streets, accessible transit, and possibilities for research and civic engagement to incoming students, donors and grantors. But the wellbeing of our communities is not a given; it takes ongoing effort and investment in the face of challenging times. Increasing rents (exacerbated by the shortage of on-campus housing at Tufts), the growing threat of climate change and the withdrawal of state and federal funding from cities and schools threaten to displace our residents and undermine our communities.


The next agreement must bring Somerville and Medford to parity with Boston and take the University on a path toward housing all Tufts students, being a leader in our cities’ climate planning, setting high standards in employee relations, and providing a foundation for lifelong learning for all residents.


We, the undersigned organizations, call on Tufts to commit to an agreement that makes the University a partner in addressing the challenges our communities face instead of just being a benefactor of rapid gentrification.



Boston Building Trades Council

Climate Coalition of Somerville

Community Action Agency of Somerville

Elizabeth Peabody House

Friends of the Urban Forest

Green and Open Somerville

Immigrant Service Providers Group/Health

Indivisible Somerville

Mass Senior Action Cambridge/Somerville

Mothers Out Front Somerville

New England Regional Council of Carpenters

Our Revolution Somerville Steering Committee

Our Revolution PILOT Working Group

Our Revolution Medford

SEIU Local 509

SEIU Local 888

Somerville Municipal Employees Association

Somerville Stands Together

Tufts Housing League

Tufts Labor Coalition

Tufts Student Action

UFCW 1445

The Welcome Project

West Somerville Neighborhood Association