Agenda Text
Andrew Walker submitting comments re: the proposed zoning ordinance.
Official Text
Honorable Members of the Board of Aldermen:
I am a Somerville resident and voter of over a decade and would like to humbly voice my support for the following statement:
Somerville Board Of Aldermen: You Are About To Vote on a Proposed Zoning Overhaul and We The Homeowners, Residents, and Voters of Somerville are Asking That You Remove the Arbitrary Prohibition on More Than Four Unrelated Persons Living Together in a Dwelling. It is Unfair, it will Negatively Impact Rents, it Favors Large Developers Over Local Residents, it Threatens the Viability of Housing Cooperatives, and it Also Runs Counter to SomerVision's Goal of Environmental Sustainability in Our Community.
In addition: I understand and support concerns for safety, noise/nuisance and quality of life issues and believe that these should be delineated and dealt with directly (e.g., through minimum square-footage requirements, clear safety requirements (regardless of the relationship of the occupants), community policing and enforcement of noise ordinances).
Andrew Walker