Agenda Text
In his capacity as President, conveying SCATV's request to briefly tape this Board immediately after its May 11, 2017 meeting, as part of the city's 175th Birthday Celebration.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
This is to communicate the following request from SCATV:
Dear President White:
As discussed, SCATV is compiling "Happy Birthday Somerville" taped greetings from many sources to be aired on SCATV, our multi social media sites and to be used in conjunction with many celebrations across the city during the city's 175th Birthday Celebration.
We would like to tape the entire Board of Alderman, as a group, after the regular meeting on May 11, 2017. The taping will take place in the Alderman's chamber immediately after the meeting adjourns.
As discussed, SCATV will monitor the meeting on line and will be ready to tape as soon as the meeting adjourns.
We are excited to include the Board in our Happy 175th Birthday Somerville project and look forward to working with you on May 11, 2017.
Thanks in advance.
Joe Lynch
Somerville Media Center
Board of Directors