City of Somerville header
File #: 189271    Version: 1
Type: Committee Report Status: Approved
File created: 4/22/2010 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/23/2010 Final action: 4/22/2010
Enactment date: 4/22/2010 Enactment #: 189271
Title: Committee Report - Rules - 4-12-10
Sponsors: William A. White Jr.

  Agenda Text


Committee Report - Rules - 4-12-10



Official Text

April 12, 2010REPORT OF THE COMMITTEEON RULESThe Committee on Rules met on April 12, 2010, with Chairman William White, presiding and Committee Members Aldermen Dennis Sullivan and Walter Pero also present and voting.  Also present were Aldermen John Connolly, Thomas Taylor and Maryann Heuston and Administrative Assistant Matt Dias.Chairman White discussed the process presently used to move an item through the Board of Aldermen, from submittal to approval and suggested that the current system of stamping some items as being ?for informational purposes only? needs to be improved.  Alderman Connolly spoke about how the new legislative tracking system would streamline the process and provide the public better access to information regarding the status of an order.  Alderman Connolly went on to explain the difference between an item being ?placed on file? and being discarded.The Committee approved the following amendments to the Rules of the Board of Aldermen: ?                     After an Order or Resolution is adopted by the Board, the Board, by a majority vote, may refer such item to a committee of the Board for further action.  In that event, the Clerk shall note on the item that it was adopted by the Board and referred to a committee for further action.  Whenever the committee discusses such item at a committee meeting, the committee report for that meeting shall list the item number and report on the action taken by the committee on that item.  When the committee, by a majority vote at a committee meeting, has determined that it has completed its work on the item, the committee report shall note that it is the recommendation of the committee that the item be returned to the full board.  If the committee's recommendation is accepted by the Board, then the Clerk shall note on the item that it was returned by the committee to the Board with the date.  If an item is referred by the Board to more than one committee, then any action taken by the committees on that item must be at joint meetings of the two committees.?                     When an item is referred to 2 committees, the committees must meet jointly for it to be acted on.?                     Rule 33-reconsideration: Change from ?No motion for reconsideration shall be made during a meeting at which final action on a matter has been taken? to ?No motion for reconsideration shall be made during a meeting at which final action on a matter has been taken except by two thirds vote of the entire membership.??                     The Capital Planning Committee should be removed from the list of Standing Committees and the items in its box be referred to the Finance Committee.No papers were acted on.