Agenda Summary
Declaring the month of March 2025 as National Social Work Month.
Official Text
WHEREAS: People have entered the social work profession for generations because they genuinely care about helping improve the welfare of people, families, communities and our nation; and
WHEREAS: This year’s Social Work Month theme, “Social Work: Compassion + Action,” embodies the fact that social workers go through years of education and training, so they have the skills and expertise to transform their care for others into action that brings positive results; and
WHEREAS: The social work profession has worked for generations to improve living conditions in our nation, with social workers successfully pushing for Social Security, a 40-hour work week, Medicare, and a minimum wage; and
WHEREAS: Social workers have helped this nation live up to its values by successfully advocating for equal rights for all people, no matter their race, sexual identity, gender, gender expression, culture or religion; and
WHEREAS: Social workers follow a Code of Ethics, which sets as the primary mission of the social work profession the enhancement of human well-being and meeting the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty; and
WHEREAS: The social work profession is one of the fastest growing professions in the United States, with more than 800,000 people expected to be employed as social workers by 2033; and
WHEREAS: Social workers work in all parts of our society - including schools, social service agencies, veteran centers, and government - helping people, family and communities secure services and policies they need to thrive; and
WHEREAS: Social workers are at the forefront of pressing issues our nation is addressing, including increased needs for mental health care, especially for children and adolescents; and substance use disorder treatment; and increased econom...
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