City of Somerville header
File #: 192833    Version: 1
Type: Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 3/22/2012 In control: City Council
On agenda: 5/4/2012 Final action: 7/12/2012
Enactment date: N/A Enactment #: 192833
Title: Director of Traffic and Parking responding to various Board Orders.

  Agenda Text


Director of Traffic and Parking responding to various Board Orders.



Official Text

To the Honorable Board:


B.O.A. Order #192634…That the Director of Traffic and parking explain the increase of large trucks entering Magoun Sq from the Medford and Rte 93 areas.


                     Medford installed Truck Exclusion signs on Harvard St at Mystic Ave, Main St, Willis St and Boston Ave prohibiting trucks from traveling on Harvard St in Medford and detour trucks on Main St Medford to Somerville, specifically Magoun Square.  Traffic and Parking does not believe these signs were installed per MassDOT required approval.


Due to Magoun Sq being under construction and associated problems with turning movement of trucks from Medford St onto Broadway WB caused by the construction, Traffic and Parking installed two truck exclusion signs (for trucks with a carrying capacity of 2 ½ tons and greater) at this intersection.


These signs remain in effect for the duration of this construction project.  Further, Officials from Medford and Somerville are scheduled to meet the week of March 26, 2011.


B.O.A. Order #192639…That the Chief of Police and the Director of Traffic and Parking create a traffic management plan for Kidder Ave to slow traffic.


                     The installation of Stop signs is governed by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).  The MUTCD is a federal, state, and City standard for traffic signs followed by every state/city/town in the nation.  Per the MUTCD the Stop signs along the Kidder Ave corridor are signed properly and according to the regulations in the MUTCD.  Installation of Stop signs on Kidder Ave at Bays St Ave and Kidder Ave at Lowden Ave does not meet the criteria of the MUTCD for the installation of Stop signs and thus cannot be installed without breaking with Fed/State/City standards. In addition, there is a Stop sign on Kidder Ave at Liberty Ave and there is a Stop sign on Kidder Ave at Willow Ave. 


On 03/07/2012, between the hours of 1630 - 1830, selective speed enforcement was conducted on Kidder Avenue between College Ave and Willow Ave.  Both eastbound and westbound traffic was targeted.  304 vehicles were targeted.  The following list shows the breakdown of all passing vehicles:


                     1mph - 20mph = 56 vehicles                             31 mph = 2 vehicles

 21mph - 25mph = 168 vehicles                        32 mph = 3 vehicles

 26mph - 30mph = 73                                        33 mph = 2 vehicles


The primae facia speed limit is 30MPH at this location.


In addition, a review of the accident data from the Somerville Police Dept for Kidder Ave from College Ave to Willow Ave. for the last five years indicates that all intersection along this portion of Kidder Ave, i.e. College Ave, Liberty Ave, Lowden Ave and Willow Ave are considered low accident areas.  None of these intersections meet the criteria of a high accident location.


B.O.A. Order #192648…That the Director of Traffic and parking install signs on Medford St at the corners of Thurston and Sycamore St to slow down traffic.


                     The primae facia speed limit on Medford St from Sycamore St to Thurston St is 30MPH.  Vehicles are allowed to travel up to and including 30MPH.  Vehicles traveling over 30MPH are an enforcement issue for the Somerville Police Dept.  Traffic and Parking does not install signs to slow down vehicles, but will refer the enforcement issue to the Somerville Police Dept.


B.O.A. Order #192649…That the Director of Traffic and parking install a No U Turn sign on westbound side of Broadway at School St.


                     As requested, Traffic and Parking has installed the No U Turn sign at this location.


B.O.A. Order #192653…That the Director of Traffic and Parking install No Parking signs and a traffic mirror on Main St at the corner of Fremont St.


                     Traffic and Parking due to liability issues does not install mirrors.  On the east side of Main St there is a sign already posted No Parking Here To Corner.  There are parking prohibitions of no parking within 20’ of all intersection.  Traffic and Parking does not install No Parking signs at intersections unless it is an extenuating circumstance.  The intersection of Main St at Fremont St is not considered such an intersection.  However Traffic and Parking will file a complaint Form which will increase enforcement at these intersections and keep a log of any vehicles violating this restriction for 24 hours per day for a two week period.  A review of this intersection will occur after this period to determine if sign installation is required. 


B.O.A. Order #192654…That the Director of Traffic and Parking install a No Parking sign in front of 12 Maple Ave and paint the curb yellow form driveway to driveway.


                     There is a fire hydrant in front of 12Maple Ave.  No Parking within 10’ of a fire hydrant is State Law.  Traffic and Parking does not install No Parking signs at fire hydrants.  The City does not paint curbs.


B.O.A. Order #192655…That the Director of Traffic and Parking install a Dead End sign at the corner of Ash Ave and E. Albion St.


                     As requested, Traffic and Parking has installed a Dead End sign at the intersection of Ash Ave E. Albion St.


Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.