City of Somerville header
File #: 203399    Version: 1
Type: Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 5/9/2017 In control: City Council
On agenda: 5/11/2017 Final action: 5/11/2017
Enactment date: 5/11/2017 Enactment #: 203399
Title: In his capacity as President, reminding all Aldermen to avoid potential Open Meeting Law issues by responding to constituent emails with a direct reply, not a "Reply All" that might reach other Aldermen.
Sponsors: William A. White Jr.

  Agenda Text


In his capacity as President, reminding all Aldermen to avoid potential Open Meeting Law issues by responding to constituent emails with a direct reply, not a "Reply All" that might reach other Aldermen.



Official Text

To the Honorable Board:


This is to remind all Aldermen that the State’s Open Meeting Law requires that deliberations of items that are before the Board or may come before the Board must occur within the context of a properly-noticed public meeting. Deliberation may not occur via any other means, including electronic correspondence.


Sometimes constituents send emails to all Aldermen. If you reply to those emails, you should NOT “Reply All” because that creates the possibility of a deliberation occurring outside the context of a properly-noticed public meeting.


I recommend that you reply directly to the constituent, without cc’ing the other Aldermen. If you want to notify the other Aldermen that you are following up with the constituent, I recommend that you simply “Reply All” once, just to say “I will follow up on this,” then communicate directly with the constituent only.