Agenda Text
Requesting approval to pay prior year invoices totaling $106,292.07 unencumbered using available funds in the DPW Building and Grounds budget.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
I respectfully request your Honorable City Council's approval to use the
Building & Grounds org 0140752 to pay invoices on:
object 543006 - Electrical Supplies
1. Bridgeview Power USA Battery LLC INV90448 $138.85
object 549000 - Food Supplies & Refreshments
1. Brett Henry Catering 98063-000301 $2875.00
object 542012 - Other Equipment not Capitalized
1. Home Depot 8973217 $356.77
2. Home Depot 8973230 $3,856.29
3. Home Depot 7632115 $619.06
4. Home Depot 4933807 $998
5. Home Depot 7090244 $1,156.54
6. Home Depot 7090260 $65.33
7. Home Depot 7632115 $619.06
object 524010 - R&M-HVAC
1. Honeywell International 5252176920 $53,570.02 out of $94,817.04
object 524019 - R&M-Interior Building
1. New England School Services, Inc B2751 $562
2. New England School Services, Inc B3053-C $7,884
3. New England School Services, Inc B3053-B $16,210
4. New England School Services, Inc B3053-A $16,421
5. Air Cleaning Specialist New England 37393 $432.40
6. Supreme Paint and Wallpaper 383623 $527.75 out of $3,955.81
Prior year end invoices totaling $106,292.07 unencumbered in DPW Building & Grounds received in FY21.
The FY20 year end invoices are attached.
My staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joseph A. Curtatone, Mayor