Agenda Text
Requesting an appropriation of $27,500 from the Capital Stabilization Fund for the purchase of an Olympian Ice Resurfacer to replace a non-functioning Zamboni.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I respectfully request an appropriation of $27,500 from the Capital Stabilization Fund for the purchase of an Olympian Ice Resurfacer to replace our non-functioning Zamboni. This is a used machine to be purchased from the Boston Bruins. The unit has only 1600 hours of use and the wear and tear is minimal due to usage in one location. Additionally, the unit has been regularly serviced.
Unfortunately, the Recreation Department has been using only one functional ice resurfacer for over 3 months due to ongoing mechanical and costly maintenance issues. Although the Recreation Department was supplied with a loaner unit from DCR, that unit malfunctioned consistently and had to be returned.
Due to the physical layout of the rinks, our elite Zamboni needed to be moved frequently outside to the smaller rink since we have only one resurfacer. This has been problematic because of the road wear and tear on the tires. This unit was not built to endure being driven outside over asphalt. Consequently, we have needed to replace the tire studs more often and adjust the alignment frequently.
The cost of purchasing a new resurfacer is approximately $150,000 with a 10 month waiting period for delivery. The life span of a resurfacer depends largely on how the unit is used. Buying a used unit in good condition allows us to appropriately operate 2 facilities by preserving life span of our newer unit, thereby allowing us to be more cost effective with our resources.
Joseph A. Curtatone