City of Somerville header
File #: 191491    Version: 1
Type: Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 5/12/2011 In control: City Council
On agenda: 5/26/2011 Final action: 5/26/2011
Enactment date: N/A Enactment #: 191491
Title: Director of SPCD responding to various Board Orders.
Attachments: 1. board orders for minute tracking

  Agenda Text


Director of SPCD responding to various Board Orders.



Official Text

To the Honorable Board:

{The following are responses by Strategic Planning and Community Development to various BOA Orders

1.                     #190231 - That the Director of SPCD request ISD to inspect 45-49 Webster Avenue to determine how many businesses are operating there.

                     The ISD team went and visited the property and found there are 3 different businesses there. Both 45 and 47 and in compliance.  The business at 49 Webster Ave. may have several vehicles over their limit and staff will enforce the vehicle limit if that is the case.

2.                     #190432 - That the Director of SPCD request ISD to direct the Owner of Pitman Street Lot previously owned by Street Wise Auto to remove the tires stacked in the corner of the lot.

                     The ISD team has spoken with the owner of Street Wise Auto and he has agreed to clean up the exterior areas around his property.  The owner is now in compliance.

3.                     #190435 - That the Director of SPCD request  ISD order CVS in Magoun Sq. to remove the oversized dumpster in the rear of their building that is occupying parking spaces, repair the unsightly fences surrounding the smaller dumpster, and clear all palettes and other materials from the side of the building.

                     The ISD team spoke with the manager of CVS in Magoun Sq.  The management is well advised that they need to remove the additional dumpster, which they have and CVS is also repairing the fence around the existing dumpster.

4.                     #190685 - That the Director of SPCD request ISD to create a plan to address noise issues at 26 Mansfield Street and 9 Ward Street.

                     This Board Order has been sent to the Committee on Legislative Matters. The Board of Aldermen with the law Department and the OSPCD are looking to amend the noise ordinance, in order to deal with this problem.

5.                     #190957 - That the Director of SPCD request ISD to provide recommendations for the abandoned property at 47 Harrison Street, and advice this Board on actions the City can take to address safety and health issues as well as taxes and fees owed to the City.

                     The City has had the Department of Public Works, The Neighborhood Impact Team and ISD out to this property.  It has now been decided this property will go before Legislative Matters for the Law Department and the Treasury Department to handle in Tax Title Court.  The City of Somerville is looking to start Receivership proceeding on this parcel.