Agenda Text
Traffic and Parking Director submitting responses to various Board Orders submitted 11/9/17, 11/21/17 and 12/14/17.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
Agenda Item 204612
That the Director of Traffic and Parking place SENIOR CROSSING signs at Cobble Hill on Washington Street and at 240 Pearl Street.
The above referenced signs were installed.
Agenda Item 204614
That the Director of Traffic and Parking repair the faded ONE WAY sign on Perkins Street near the Boston line.
The above referenced sign will be replaced.
Agenda Item 204615
That the Director of Traffic and Parking consider changing the DO NOT ENTER sign on Perkins Street to allow abutter access for residents of 70 Perkins Street.
Traffic and Parking strongly opposes this request.
Agenda Item 204616
That the Director of Traffic and Parking conduct a traffic study of the intersection at Mt. Vernon Street and Broadway, and examine cut-through traffic in Ward 1.
SPCD, Traffic and Infrastructure has conducted traffic studies and previously examined cut through traffic in Ward 1. The contents of this work order falls within the domain of this City Agency.
Agenda Item 204670
That the Director of Traffic and Parking repair the flashers on the crosswalk sign on Morrison Avenue at Highland Road.
Traffic and Parking will review this blinking sign and make adjustment/repairs as required.
Agenda Item 204672
That the Director of SPCD and the Director of Traffic and Parking accelerate the timeline for the new walkway along the former Powderhouse School.
Traffic and Parking is not involved with means and methods of the construction activities involved in the reconstruction of the Powderhouse School. The Project Manager for the Powderhouse School should be contacted regarding the contents of this work order.
Agenda Item 204544
That the Director of Traffic and Parking install a “STATE LAW-YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS IN CROSSWALK” sign on Central Street, on the telephone pole facing northbound traffic near Willoughby and Albion Streets.
The requested sign will be installed.
Agenda Item 204545
That the Director of Traffic and Parking install flashing “SLOW-CHILDREN CROSSING”, “SLOW-YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS”, and/or "SPEED LIMIT 20MPH" signs on Central Street near the Hoyt Sullivan Playground.
As part of the Hoyt-Sullivan Playground redevelopment, blinking Pedestrian signs will be installed in the vicinity of the Hoyt-Sullivan Playground.
Agenda Item 204733
That the Director of Traffic and Parking post a NO U-TURN sign on Porter Street at Highland Avenue.
Turn prohibitions must be approved by the City’s Traffic Commission.
Agenda Item 204735
That the Director of Traffic and Parking paint the intersection of Broadway at Hinckley Street with a “Don’t block the box” symbol so motorists on Broadway don't prevent cars from exiting Hinckley Street.
Traffic and Parking is compiling locations for painted Do Not Block The Box symbols. The list will be prioritized over the winter.
Agenda Item 204791
That the Commissioner of Public Works and/or the Director of Traffic and Parking install a second crosswalk at the intersection of College Avenue with Kidder Avenue and Summit Street, with additional pedestrian safety measures.
The Department of Public Works installs bump-outs.
Agenda Item 204792
That the Commissioner of Public Works and/or the Director of Traffic and Parking install an overhead Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon at the crosswalk at the West Branch Library, with bump-outs on either side of the crosswalk.
The Department of Public Works installs bump-outs. There is a n existing traffic signal at this location. Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons cannot be installed where there are existing traffic signals.
Agenda Item 204795
That the Director of Traffic and Parking install flashing YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN signs at the crosswalk by the Kennedy School on Elm Street.
Traffic and Parking does not have flashing Yield To Pedestrian signs.
Please contact me with any questions.
Suzanne Rinfret
Director of Traffic and Parking