Agenda Text
Requesting to appropriate $500,000 from the CPA Fund Historic Resources Reserve for the rehabilitation of Prospect Hill Tower per the recommendation of the Community Preservation Committee.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
Per the Community Preservation Committee’s recommendation on March 4, 2015, I respectfully request that your Honorable Board appropriate $500,000 for the Capital Projects and Planning Department to stabilize the Prospect Hill Tower by replacing the upper level floor slab, resetting parapet stones, restoring doors and ornamental iron stairs, repointing the facade, and repairing the exterior stairwell. The appropriation will be allocated to the Historic Resources category and funded from the Historic Resources Reserve.
The Committee attached the following conditions to the recommended appropriation: 1) a perpetual preservation restriction; 2) a public access requirement; and 3) for the Capital Projects and Planning Department to submit preventive maintenance reports to the Committee every five years.
Joseph A. Curtatone