Agenda Text
That Rule 25 of the Rules of this Council is hereby amended to change the name of the Committee on Equity, Gender, Families and Vulnerable Populations to the Committee on Equity, Gender, Seniors, Families and Vulnerable Populations.
Official Text
Rule 25. The president shall annually, as soon after the organization of the city council as may be
convenient, appoint the members to the following standing committees, and any special
committees they may choose to create. The president may, at any time, and for any reason,
change the membership of any committee. The president shall not serve as chair or vice chair of
any standing committee.
1) Confirmation of Appointments and Personnel Matters (five members)
2) Equity, Gender, Seniors, Families and Vulnerable Populations (three members)
3) Finance (five members)
4) Housing and Community Development (three members)
5) Land Use (five members)
6) Legislative Matters (five members)
7) Licenses and Permits (three members)
8) Open Space, Environment and Energy (five members)
9) Public Health and Safety (three members)
10) Public Utilities and Works (three members)
11) Traffic and Parking (three members)