City of Somerville header
File #: 191755    Version: 1
Type: Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 6/30/2011 In control: City Council
On agenda: 7/14/2011 Final action: 7/14/2011
Enactment date: N/A Enactment #: 191755
Title: Traffic and Parking Director responding to various Board Orders.

  Agenda Text


Traffic and Parking Director responding to various Board Orders.



Official Text

To the Honorable Board:


Board Order #191553  That the Director of Traffic and parking and the Chief of Police consider installing bollards in the median on Pearl St to prevent motorists from making a left turn into the Pearl St Gas Station, and report the findings to the Ward One Alderman.

The installation of traffic control devices on a street is governed by the Manual Of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).  The MUTCD is a federal, state and city standard.  Per the MUTCD only approved traffic control devices can be installed on a street.  Bollards are not an approved traffic control device.  Per the MUTCD bollards can not be installed on Pearl St to prevent motorists from making a left turn.

B.O.A. # 191558  That the Director of Traffic and Parking place a crosswalk on Washington St, at Franklin Street leading to and from the Cobble Hill market.

Any new crosswalk installation requires, per the American with Disabilities Act (ADA, an) ADA ramp.  There are no ADA ramps at this location.  In addition, crosswalks other than in a Central Business District are not installed at mid block locations.  Studies have shown that when crosswalks are installed in mid block locations pedestrian accidents increase.  This phenomenon is caused by motorist not having proper perception reaction time to a pedestrian at a location where there generally is no an expected crosswalk.  Also a crosswalk at this location would occur in the immediate vicinity of a driveway.  Such a location for a crosswalk is also not a preferred traffic engineering practice for the installation of a crosswalk.  For these reasons, Traffic and Parking does not support a crosswalk installation on Washington St at Franklin St. 

B.O.A. #191567  That the Director of Traffic and Parking post No Parking 4-6PM signs on the parking meters on Highland Ave near College Ave, so that they may be seen by oncoming motorists

There are two signs located on Highland Ave prior to College Ave where parking is restricted from 4:00 - 6:00PM with the legend “No Standing 4PM - 6PM”.  These signs are located at 413 and 419 Highland Ave.  A No Standing restriction includes the No Parking restriction and is a higher priority restriction than a No Parking restriction.  Each parking meter where parking is prohibited from 4:00 - 6:00PM also has a decal affixed to the parking meter that states that parking is restricted from 4 - 6PM.

B.O.A. #191662  That the Director of Traffic and Parking install a STOP sign before the crosswalk at the intersection of Windsor and South Streets.

The installation of Stop signs is governed by the Manual Of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).  The MUTCD is a Federal, State and City standard.  The MUTCD is specific on how and where Stop signs can be installed.  The Stop sign at the intersection of South Street at Windsor St is properly installed.  A Stop sign can not be installed at the requested location according to the MUTCD standards which govern the placement of Stop signs in Somerville and in Cities and Towns across the State of Massachusetts.

B.O.A. #191673  That the Director of Traffic and Parking report to this Board on the feasibility of a sticker or placard for non-commercial resident vehicles that a resident owner could obtain for legal street parking when they plan to be away from the city for more than 48 hours.

The Director of Traffic and Parking will appear before the Board to discuss the Order at the Board’s convenience.

B.O.A. #191676  That the Director of Traffic and Parking purchase a removable speed bump for use as a viability test for speed management at various locations across the city.

Traffic and Parking will review the cost of a temporary traffic calming table.  Traffic and Parking was not budgeted with funds to obtain this traffic control devise and, as such, does not have the ability to purchase a temporary traffic calming table without additional funding.  Traffic and Parking will report back to the Board on the cost of a temporary traffic calming table. 

Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.