Agenda Text
Commending Captain John Keane, Lt. Steven Ortolani, and Firefighters Michael Powers, Christopher Clark, Francis Sharpe, and John Donovan, each given the Thomas Chetham Award as Firefighter of the Year by American Legion Post 19.
Official Text
Be it hereby known to all that the
Somerville Mayor and Board of Aldermen
Offer their sincerest commendations to
Captain John Keane
Lieutenant Steven Ortolani
Firefighter Francis Sharpe
Firefighter John Donovan
Firefighter Michael Powers
Firefighter Christopher Clark
For being awarded the Thomas Chetham Award,
Presented annually by American Legion Post 19
To the Somerville Firefighter of the Year.
Through their heroic actions, these Firefighters have
Demonstrated their dedication to the fire service
And to the people of Somerville.
The entire Membership extends its best wishes
For ongoing success in all endeavors.
Offered this 10th day of November, 2011.