City of Somerville header
File #: 192611    Version: 1
Type: Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 2/21/2012 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/23/2012 Final action: 6/11/2015
Enactment date: N/A Enactment #: 192611
Title: Director of Traffic and Parking responding to various Board Orders.

  Agenda Text


Director of Traffic and Parking responding to various Board Orders.



Official Text

To the Honorable Board:


BOA # 192546…That the Director of Traffic and Parking increase the number of drop off spaces and improve systems to keep student drop-off vans out of the middle of the street at the Winter Hill Community School and ensure that they stay on the school side of Sycamore St.


                     Traffic and Parking previously recommended the extension of the school bus pickup/drop off zone on Sycamore Street (east side at Winter Hill School) by fifty feet to the Traffic Commission.  The item was tabled with no action.  Increasing the pickup/drop zone should result in school related vehicles not stopping in the middle of Sycamore St.  However, this proposal must be approved by the City’s Traffic Commission.


BOA # 192525…That the Director of Traffic and Parking and the City’s Traffic Engineer attend the February 1, 2012 Senior Services Committee meeting at Properzi Manor to discuss traffic and pedestrian safety in Union Square.


                     As requested, the Director and Engineer attended the Senior Services meeting on February 1, 2012


BOA # 192559…That the Traffic Commission consider amending the City’s traffic regulations to prohibit bicycle riding in business districts and in the areas of the City’s senior buildings.


                     This proposal was included as an item on the February 16, 2012 Traffic Commission Meeting.


BOA# 192560…That the Director of Traffic and Parking contact the owner of the property housing Citizens Bank, as well as other properties on the lot, to discuss how they might prevent the lot from being used as a cut through for drivers attempting to avoid the traffic lights in Union Square.


                     The Director will contact the owner of the Citizens Bank regarding this Board Order.


BOA # 192561…That the Director of Traffic and Parking contact the manager of Citizens Bank to request that one end of the bank’s parking lot be closed to prevent it from being used as a cut through.


                     The Director will contact the manager of Citizens Bank regarding this Board Order.


BOA # 192562…That the Director of Traffic and Parking examine the flow of traffic in Union Square and provide recommendations for any possible changes, including the installation of signage in the area.


                     Traffic and Parking reviewed traffic flow and signage in Union Square.  Traffic flow is in accordance with the street network in and throughout Union Square.  All traffic control devices including signs are proper and in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).  The MUTCD is a federal, state and city standard.  Traffic and Parking proposes no changes to the current signage in Union Square.


BOA #192564…That the Director of Traffic and Parking report back to the Committee on Senior Services whether Parking Control Officers can issue tickets to truck operators who keep their vehicles idling.


                     The Director, after a determination is made, will report back to the Committee on Senior Services whether a Parking Control Officer can issue tickets to truck operators who keep their vehicles idling.


Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.