City of Somerville header
File #: 198421    Version: 1
Type: Officer's Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 12/11/2014 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/22/2015 Final action: 10/22/2015
Enactment date: 1/22/2015 Enactment #: 198421
Title: DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 11/25/14.

  Agenda Text


DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 11/25/14.



Official Text

Somerville Board of Aldermen - Orders for 11/25/14 Meeting

ORDER                     7.                      Order

(ID # 10646)                      By Ald. Rossetti, Connolly, Sullivan, White Jr.

That the Commissioner of Public Works investigate and report back on installing solar powered kiosks in our parks and playgrounds

RESOLUTION                                          The DPW, in concert with OSE and other city departments will investigate and report back on the feasibility of the solar powered kiosks.


ORDER                     19.                      Order

(ID # 10674)                      By Ald. Sullivan, McLaughlin, Connolly, Rossetti, White                      Jr.

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street light on Perkins Street, at the Perkins Street playground.

RESOLUTION                                          Work Order 307635 was entered for this repair.


ORDER                     20.                      Order

(ID # 10675)                      By Ald. Sullivan, Lafuente, Connolly, Rossetti, White Jr.

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street light located at 15 Crest Hill Road. (3rd request)

RESOLUTION                                          Work Order 307638 was entered for this repair.



ORDER                     22.                      Order

(ID # 10677)                      By Ald. Connolly, Gewirtz

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street lamp at 1 Powderhouse Square and check the timing of street lamps in Davis Square Plaza that have been on during the day.

RESOLUTION                                          Work Order 307639 was entered for this.



ORDER                     24.                      Order

(ID # 10686)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the crosswalk and the pavement at Linden Avenue on the south side of Summer Street so pedestrians don't trip.

RESOLUTION                                                               Work Order was entered and has been completed.


ORDER                     28.                      Order

(ID # 10688)                      By Ald. Ballantyne

That the Commissioner of Public Works notify the appropriate utility company to remove the double pole in front of 46 Elmwood Street.

RESOLUTION                                                               Will inspect pole for next transfer and notify appropriate utility.                     


ORDER                     29.                      Order

(ID # 10689)                      By Ald. Ballantyne

That the Commissioner of Public Works re-install the street light that was removed 4 years ago at 72 Curtis Street.

RESOLUTION                                                               Will be completed by 12/12/14.                     


ORDER                     75.                      Order

(ID # 10721)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the Commissioner of Public Works attach an explanatory tag to bicycles that are suspected of being abandoned to provide due notice to owners of impending removal.

RESOLUTION                                                               This is part of an initiative by the administration (Transportation & Infrastructure). An item will be submitted to the Board for consideration in the very near future.