Agenda Text
Assistant City Solicitor responding to #211197 re: a Home Rule Petition to create a gender-neutral City Charter.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
In response to Item #211197
That the City Solicitor draft language to change all pronouns in the city’s ordinances to gender-neutral
Attached is a red-lined and clean version of the Charter changes. Also attached is a Home Rule Petition for submission to the State Legislature. I recommend the City Council approve the following Order:
WHEREAS, The City of Somerville seeks to have the Charter be gender neutral,
THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That a petition to the General Court, accompanied by a bill for a special law relating to the City of Somerville to be filed with an attested copy of this order be, and hereby is, approved to the end that legislation be adopted precisely as set forth in the attached, except for clerical or editorial changes of form only.
Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.
David P. Shapiro
Assistant City Solicitor