City of Somerville header
File #: 201023    Version: 1
Type: Order Status: Approved
File created: 3/24/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/24/2016 Final action: 10/13/2016
Enactment date: 3/24/2016 Enactment #: 201023
Title: That the two non-zoning proposals on tenancy preservation and waiting lists be severed from the Planning Board’s recommendation (#200995) and referred to the Committee on Legislative Matters for consideration.
Sponsors: Mark Niedergang
Attachments: 1. Affordable Housing - PB Recommendation

  Agenda Text


That the two non-zoning proposals on tenancy preservation and waiting lists be severed from the Planning Boards recommendation (#200995) and referred to the Committee on Legislative Matters for consideration.



Official Text

That the following two items contained in the Planning Board’s recommendation (item #200995) be severed from the recommendation and referred to the Committee on Legislative Matters:

7.                     Non-zoning proposals

                     Item 3 - Tenancy Preservation: Leases for the rental units created under the provisions of this Article 13 shall provide that tenants occupying such units shall not be evicted at any time except for good cause based on tenant fault and shall be comparable to the provisions of 12 USC 1715z-1b(3) which governs leases and evictions for multi-family housing subsidized by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

                     Item 9 - OSPCD is herein authorized and directed to develop a citywide application process and waiting list for all units of inclusionary housing. OSPCD is herein further authorized and directed to develop a preference system whereby priority points are assigned to households that: are Somerville residents; and would be income eligible for inclusionary units of rental housing; and have been displaced from Somerville within the twelve months prior to the date of application for an inclusionary unit, or have been displaced subsequent to their application for an inclusionary unit; or are at imminent risk of such displacement, and their actual displacement or risk of displacement is for reasons beyond their control, including, but not limited to, no fault evictions, and evictions for non-payment of rent where shelter expenses (i.e. rent plus utilities) exceed 50% of household income. Development of these and other guidelines for assigning priority above and beyond date of application shall be accomplished with guidance from the Affordable Housing Trust, in consultation with the Housing and Community Development Committee of the Board of Aldermen, and pursuant to a public hearing.