Agenda Text
Requesting approval of a Home Rule Petition authorizing the City to discontinue the existing Harris Park at 0 Cross Street and replace it with a new Harris Park at 15-25 Cross Street East.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I would like to respectfully request that the Board of Aldermen approve a Home Rule Petition authorizing the City of Somerville to discontinue the existing Harris Park in East Somerville and to replace it with a new Harris Park in East Somerville on the same street. As the Aldermen are aware, Harris Park was originally constructed to commemorate the tragic loss of two young lives which took place during construction of the I-93 highway. Since the 1970’s, the park has stood as testimony to the significance of those young men within the East Somerville community.
Unfortunately, the park’s immediate proximity to I-93 has led it to be underutilized over the intervening years and recent studies have shown an increasing connection between poor health indicators and proximity to highways. At present, as a result of a State grant, the City has the opportunity to acquire three parcels on Cross Street East that can serve the same neighborhood as Harris Park does, but at a marked distance away from I-93. Three other Board Actions (PARC grant acceptance and dedication in perpetuity, appropriation of capital funds, and authorization to acquire the parcels) are also being submitted for your consideration at this time.
The purpose of the proposed Home Rule Petition is to discontinue the existing Harris Park at 0 Cross Street East as Article 97 parkland and replace it with the new park at 15-25 Cross Street East. This would not only allow us to relocate the park to a better location, but the City could also dispose of the existing land for a purpose that would bring it into productive, taxable use.
OSPCD staff will be available to answer any questions you may have.
Joseph A. Curtatone