Agenda Text
Planning Director submitting the response to comments to #198429, the January, 2015 version of the Somervision zoning overhaul.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board of Aldermen,
This memorandum summarizes and responds to public comments received by the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (OSPCD) regarding the January 22, 2015 draft of the proposed new Somerville Zoning Ordinance. Forty-six (46) members of the public provided ninety-nine (99) comments, questions, concerns, or recommendations at the public hearing held on March 5, 2015. Seventy nine (79) written comment letters were submitted that included four hundred and seven (407) dividual comments, questions, concerns, or recommendations. Three hundred and eighty six (386) line tem comments, questions, concerns, or recommendations were submitted through the online OpenComment platform. Some individuals provided both oral testimony at the public hearing and submitted separate written comment letters. The total number of individual comments received during the
sixty-five (65) day public comment period (January 22, 2015 to March 27, 2015) was eight-hundred and ninety-two (892), excluding requested changes to the proposed zoning map. Specific responses to all eight-hundred and ninety-two (892) comments, questions, or concerns are provided below.
Respectfully submitted,
George Proakis
Director of Planning