City of Somerville header
File #: 202293    Version: 1
Type: Officer's Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 10/13/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/26/2016 Final action: 12/8/2016
Enactment date: 10/26/2016 Enactment #: 202293
Title: Director of Traffic and Parking responding to Board Orders submitted 9/13/16.

  Agenda Text


Director of Traffic and Parking responding to Board Orders submitted 9/13/16.



Official Text

To the Honorable Board:


In response to Agenda Items:


Agenda Item 202022                     

That the Director of Traffic and Parking improve the intersection of Broadway, Albion and Winchester Streets to make it safer, and report back to this Board by November 10, 2016.

The above described intersection is located predominantly in Medford.


Agenda Item 202024                     

That the Director of Traffic and Parking initiate a citywide “Don’t Block the Box” program by painting and installing signage at the intersection of Medford Street and Lowell Street.

Do Not Block Intersection signs are already installed at Medford St and Lowell St.  A “Don’t Block the Box” program, including associated road markings, will be prepared by Traffic and Parking for initiation next Spring. Traffic and Parking is working with the Administration to identify spots to evaluate and monitor to determine the effectiveness of the program. 


Agenda Item 202025                     

That the Chief of Police, the Chief Fire Engineer and the Director of Traffic and Parking attend the next Public Health and Safety Committee meeting to discuss #200140 regarding a "Don't Block the Box" program.

This item was discussed at the Public Health and Safety Committee meeting on October 19, 2016. 


Agenda Item 202072                     

That the Director of Capital Projects and the Director of Traffic and Parking coordinate with the Ward 7 Alderman a community meeting to discuss upcoming water and sewer infrastructure work and traffic calming measures for Powderhouse Blvd.

The Director of Traffic and Parking will attend a community meeting to discuss the above topics.


Agenda Item 202084                     

That the Director of Traffic and Parking remove two metered parking spots on Illinois Avenue and place them in front of 181 Broadway.

This request should be submitted to the Traffic Commission.


Agenda Item 202089                     

That the Director of Traffic and Parking paint new crosswalks at every intersection along Pennsylvania Avenue. (2nd request)

Crosswalks are repainted on a rotating basis throughout the City.  The crosswalks along Pennsylvania Ave are scheduled for repainting next year.


Agenda Item 202090                     

That the Director of Traffic and Parking paint a new yellow line along Garfield Avenue.

Garfield Ave does not meet the criteria for the painting of a double yellow center line (dycl).  A dycl cannot be painted on this street.


Agenda Item 202091                     

That the Director of Traffic and Parking place a speed bump at the Stop and Shop entrance by Kensington Avenue.

The prioritizing of the installation of speed bumps is a function of SPCD.


Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.


Suzanne Rinfret

Director, Traffic and Parking