City of Somerville header
File #: 197836    Version: 1
Type: Officer's Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 9/19/2014 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/9/2014 Final action: 10/22/2015
Enactment date: 10/9/2014 Enactment #: 197836
Title: DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 9/11/14.
Attachments: 1. ORDERS 9-11-14

  Agenda Text


DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 9/11/14.



Official Text

Somerville Board of Aldermen - Orders for 9/11/14 Meeting


ORDER                     3.                      Order

(ID # 10193)                      By Ald. Gewirtz

That the Commissioner of Public Works place additional trash barrels in Davis Square and empty the solar trash bins more frequently.


RESOLUTION                     We are presently emptying the solar barrels once a day and on an as needed basis. However, once additional machines become available we will place additional barrels in this area.


ORDER                     6.                      Order

(ID # 10196) By Ald. Gewirtz

That the City Solicitor draft an ordinance requiring developers of new residential projects to install backflow preventers to prevent combined sewer overflow during heavy rains.

RESOLUTION                     The first ten feet of plumbing from the foundation is the jurisdiction of the state plumbing code. Please refer this to the City Plumbing Inspector.


ORDER                     8.                      Order

(ID # 10198)                      By Ald. Gewirtz

That the Commissioner of Public Works plant two trees near 159 Morrison Ave, in the vicinity of the lost large tree.

RESOLUTION                     Waiting on the delivery of trees to be planted this fall. Once they are received they will be planted. OSPCD's Transportation and Infrastructure Division is in charge of the tree plantings in the City.


ORDER                     9.                      Order

(ID # 10199)                      By Ald. Gewirtz

That the Commissioner of Public Works update this Board on the installation of new posts on Elm Street, near Posto, for decorative purposes during the upcoming holiday season.

RESOLUTION                     When this was last discussed, there was no plan to address this issue due to the lack of space and available electric outlets.


ORDER                                          12.                      Order

(ID # 10202)                      By Ald. Lafuente

That the Commissioner of Public Works request that the state clean the space under I-93 in the Ten Hills area and remove all vehicles and stored items.

RESOLUTION                     This request has been made on several occasions. I am supposed to meet a representative of MassDOT and view the site next Friday.


ORDER                                          14.                      Order

(ID # 10204)                      By Ald. Lafuente

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the sidewalk at 50 E. Albion Street.

RESOLUTION                     The DPW will re-evaluate area. This repair may be the responsibility of the home owner. Will make the repair if it is the city’s responsibility.


ORDER                                          18.                      Order

(ID # 10208)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works clear sewer drains of leaves and other debris on Cedar Street between Highland Avenue and Summer Street, and on surrounding streets.

RESOLUTION                     Before pending storms, the Sewer Department cleans leaves and debri from all trouble locations. In addition, we have had BMC in to begin discussions on catch basin cleaning work.


ORDER                                          19.                      Order

(ID # 10209)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the bulbs in the three street lights in Junction Park nearest to Woodbine Street and Centre Street that have been out for many months. (3rd Request)

RESOLUTION                     This action was completed in-house on Wed., Sept. 10.


ORDER                                          20.                      Order

(ID # 10210)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the bulb in the street light on Woodbine Street that is second closest to Junction Park. (3rd Request)

RESOLUTION                     This request has been placed with Siemens for the third time. We will follow up with the Vendor.                     


ORDER                                          21.                      Order

(ID # 10211)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works closely monitor NSTAR’S re-pavement of Linden Avenue to ensure that the pavement around the crosswalk at Summer Street is flat and even so that pedestrians do not trip.

RESOLUTION                     NStar is not paving. The Engineering Dept. Will oversee the paving contractor.


ORDER                                          28.                      Order

(ID # 10218)                      By Ald. Connolly, McLaughlin, Rossetti, Sullivan, White Jr.

That the Commissioner of Public Works contact Mass Highway to request that they cut back the overgrowth on the right-hand side of the Broadway - Somerville exit ramp off of Route 93.

RESOLUTION                     This request was made today (9-11-14).


ORDER                                          29.                      Order

(ID # 10219)                      By Ald. Connolly, Rossetti, Sullivan, White Jr.

That the Commissioner of Public Works and the Director of the Traffic and Parking, rename the ROAD CLOSED signs used to redirect SomerStreet events notices. (Cc to the Director of the Arts Council)

RESOLUTION                     Work order will be completed in a timely fashion.


ORDER                                          31.                      Order

(ID # 10221)                      By Ald. McWatters, Lafuente

That the Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Fire Engineer order the appropriate utility companies to remove the double pole at 33 Columbus Avenue as it is creating a public safety issue.

RESOLUTION                     A brand new pole will be installed by the end of next week (9/26) and a request for a pole directly across the street will be applied for by NStar to remove the current stress placed on the custom pole.


ORDER                                          35.                      Order

(ID # 10225)                      By Ald. Ballantyne

That the Commissioner of Public Works reposition the manhole covers in front of 33 Claremon Avenue so they are properly closed.

RESOLUTION                     This was addressed by the Sewer Department today.


ORDER                                          36.                      Order

(ID # 10226)                      By Ald. Ballantyne

That the Commissioner of Public Works trim all dead branches from the tree at 186-188 Powderhouse Blvd.

RESOLUTION                     Complete.


ORDER                                          61.                      Order

(ID # 10241)                      By Ald. McWatters

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street light at 17 Thorpe Street.

RESOLUTION                     Sent to Contractor to repair.


ORDER                     62.                                          Order

                     (ID # 10242) By Ald. McLaughlin

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works empty the trash barrels along lower Broadway and temporarily place additional trash barrels in the area, prior to the planned September 16th event there.

RESOLUTION                     Complete.


ORDER                                          63.                      Order

(ID # 10246)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the missing lamp post at 425 Somerville Avenue.

RESOLUTION                     Order for new pole is being placed. As soon as we take delivery, installation will be scheduled.


ORDER                                          64.                      Order

(ID # 10247)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the Commissioner of Public Works assess the adequacy of street lighting along Chester, Fitchburg and Poplar Streets, install additional lighting where needed and repair street lights which are not working on those streets.

RESOLUTION                     Will take a look at the lighting in this area and work to adding additional lighting as needed.