City of Somerville header
File #: 201750    Version: 1
Type: Officer's Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 6/9/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/23/2016 Final action: 4/13/2017
Enactment date: 6/23/2016 Enactment #: 201750
Title: DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 6/9/16.

  Agenda Text


DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 6/9/16.



Official Text

Somerville Board of Aldermen - Orders for 6/9/16 Meeting

ORDER                                                               4.                      Order

(ID # 14273)                      By Ald. Heuston

                                          That the Commissioner of Public Works cut the grass at Perry Park.

RESOLUTION                     This park was aerated and and seeded and will be cut as soon as it matures. The surrounding areas have been cut.


ORDER                                                                5.                      Order

(ID # 14274)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the Commissioner of Public Works clean and maintain Quincy Park and its plantings.

RESOLUTION                                          The Buildings and Grounds Superintendent will address this                      situation.


ORDER                                                               6.                      Order

(ID # 14275)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the Commissioner of Public Works trim all foliage blocking memorial dedication signs, traffic signals, and parking regulation signs.

RESOLUTION                     I will talk to you to discuss this matter.


ORDER                                                               8.                      Order

(ID # 14277)                      By Ald. Heuston

That the Commissioner of Public Works report to the Ward 2 Alderman on the removal of a tree at 25 Durham Street, and on its replacement.

RESOLUTION                     The tree will be removed. When removal is scheduled it will be posted. The tree is too large to fully remove the stump. Therefore, a new tree cannot be replanted in the exact location. A suitable location within the area will be selected.


ORDER                                                               10.                      Order

(ID # 14279)                      By Ald. Heuston

                                          That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the recent paving on Dimick Court.

RESOLUTION                                          Dimick Court has recently been resurfaced and is in proper                      condition.


ORDER                                                               13.                      Order

(ID # 14282)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Tree Warden inspect the leafless tree on the east side of Cedar Street between Hudson Street and Albion Street, and replant there if necessary.

RESOLUTION                                                               The tree is dead. It will be taken down and replaced when Cedar St. is reconstructed.


ORDER                                                               14.                      Order

(ID # 14283)                      By Ald. Niedergang

That the Commissioner of Public Works get MA DOT to repair the broken sidewalks on the Central Street bridge near Hoyt-Sullivan Park, and report to this Board on progress. (4th request)

RESOLUTION                                                               I met with MassDOT on this matter again today. They have assured me it will be done in the near future.