City of Somerville header
File #: 199937    Version: 1
Type: Resolution Status: Approved
File created: 9/10/2015 In control: City Council
On agenda: 9/10/2015 Final action: 9/10/2015
Enactment date: 9/10/2015 Enactment #: 199937
Title: That this Board declares its support for the Administration’s continuing efforts to work with the Baker Administration to deliver the MBTA Green Line Extension.
Sponsors: Rebekah L. Gewirtz, and the Entire Board

  Agenda Text


That this Board declares its support for the Administrations continuing efforts to work with the Baker Administration to deliver the MBTA Green Line Extension.



Official Text

WHEREAS the MBTA Green Line Extension is currently under construction, following decades of public advocacy, longstanding environmental commitments, and robust community-based design processes; and

WHEREAS the United States Department of Transportation has memorialized its partnership with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to fund a portion of the Green Line project costs through a Full Funding Grant Agreement dated January 5th, 2015; and

WHEREAS the residents, businesses, and workers of the City of Somerville will realize the benefits of new rapid transit service in the form of reduced roadway congestion, improved air quality, increased transportation choice, enhanced economic activity, and an expanded and diversified municipal tax base; and

WHEREAS the City of Somerville has proactively prepared itself to leverage the value of public investment in the Green Line Extension by preparing and adopting a citywide Comprehensive Plan under Massachusetts General Law to guide new growth and development; and

WHEREAS the City of Somerville has adopted certain zoning regulations to facilitate smart-growth transit-oriented development in neighborhoods served by the Green Line Extension; and

WHEREAS the City of Somerville has adopted an Urban Renewal Plan under Massachusetts General Law in order to secure necessary property rights for construction of the Union Square Green Line Station and to coordinate public infrastructure improvements and private development activity around the Union Square Green Line Station; and

WHEREAS the City of Somerville has memorialized its partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation through a Memorandum of Agreement dated July 26th, 2012; NOW THEREFORE BE IT

RESOLVED that the Somerville Board of Aldermen hereby declares its support for the Administration’s continuing efforts to work with the Baker Administration to deliver the MBTA Green Line Extension, consisting of all seven stations and the full Community Path Extension contemplated in the Full Funding Grant Agreement, in a manner that honors our shared values of fiscal stewardship, transparent decision-making and collaborative partnership between municipal government and the Commonwealth.