Agenda Text
Requesting an amendment to Ordinance 11-38 regarding rodent control.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
In order to reduce the level of rodent activity found throughout many areas of Somerville, I respectfully request that you approve the proposed ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 38, Rat Stoppage to amend or add provisions related to rodent control.
Significant rodent activity has been noted in several neighborhoods. This activity has raised concerns about public health and public safety, with particular respect to high levels of reported activity in certain areas. In order to facilitate an effective rodent control policy, amendment of the current Rat Stoppage ordinance is needed.
The proposed amendments will allow for better practice and management of effective rodent control in the City, specifically, duty to implement rodent-proofing and extermination, procedures for securing right of entry of City inspectors in the event access is denied, area baiting requirements and hearings, and the consequences of violations of the ordinance.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph A. Curtatone