City of Somerville header
File #: 202250    Version: 1
Type: Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 9/27/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/13/2016 Final action: 2/14/2017
Enactment date: 10/13/2016 Enactment #: 202250
Title: Director of Traffic and Parking responding to Board Orders submitted 8/25/16.

  Agenda Text


Director of Traffic and Parking responding to Board Orders submitted 8/25/16.



Official Text

To the Honorable Board:


In response to Agenda Items submitted August 25, 2016:


Agenda Item 201881

That the Director of Traffic and Parking paint a crosswalk on New Washington Street behind Cobble Hill. (2nd request)

New Washington St behind Cobble Hill does not meet the criteria for the installation of a new crosswalk.


Agenda Item 201882

That the Director of Traffic and Parking install a SLOW sign on New Washington Street by Cobble Hill.

A Caution Children sign will be installed on New Washington St by Cobble Hill.


Agenda Item 201883

That the Director of Traffic and Parking install a STOP sign on the corner of Franklin and Pearl Streets.

The installation of Stop signs is governed by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The intersection of Franklin St and Pearl Street does not meet the criteria for the installation of a Stop sign per the MUTCD.


Agenda Item 201884

That the Director of Traffic and Parking replace the missing Webster Avenue sign at Franklin Street.

The Webster Ave SNB at Franklin St will be replaced.


Agenda Item 201885

That the Director of Traffic and Parking place SLOW - CHILDREN and DEAD END signs prominently at the beginning of Knowlton Street by Tufts Street.

There is an existing prominently displayed No Outlet sign on Knowlton St at Tufts St. A Caution Children St will be placed on Knowlton St.


Agenda Item 201886

That the Director of Traffic and Parking paint a crosswalk on Everett Avenue and Cross Street.

There is an existing crosswalk across Everett Ave at Cross St. A crosswalk across Cross St at Everett Ave does not meet the criteria for the installation of a crosswalk and cannot be installed at this location.


Agenda Item 201887

That the Director of Traffic and Parking fix the falling sign at Cross and Pinckney Streets.

All signs at the intersection of Cross and Pinckney streets will be adjusted.


Agenda Item 201888

That the Director of Traffic and Parking enforce all parking regulations in East Somerville.

All parking regulations are enforced in East Somerville.


Agenda Item 201900

That the Director of Traffic and Parking report to this Board by its September 22 regular meeting on plans to implement new legislation to reduce speed limits on local streets to 25 mph in “thickly settled areas” and 20 mph in “designated safety zones.”

Acceptance of the statute has been submitted to the Board for review.


Agenda Item 201989

That the Chief of Police and the Director of Traffic and Parking determine if the substantial increase in truck traffic on Powderhouse Boulevard is violating any ordinances restricting such traffic, and that the Traffic Engineer and Director of Capital Projects discuss with this Board's Committee on Traffic and Parking the reconstruction of the street and the installation of traffic calming measures.

There are no Truck Restrictions on Powderhouse Blvd. No ordinances are being violated by truck traffic on Powderhouse Blvd.


Agenda Item 201993

That the Director of Traffic and Parking stripe street arrows for Teele Square, in all directions, and on Broadway, at the intersection of Broadway and Route 16.

Arrows have been previously striped for the Teele Square area. Broadway at Rte 16 pavement markings are under the jurisdiction of MassDOT.


Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.


Suzanne Rinfret

Director, Traffic and Parking