Agenda Text
Director of Personnel responding to #198733 re: hiring a Director of Transportation and Infrastructure and a Senior Transportation Planner.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board of Aldermen,
The position of Director of Transportation and Infrastructure was vacated 2/27/2015. It was advertised from 2/26/2015 to 3/26/2015. First round of interviews will be held the week of 4/13/2015 to 4/17/2015 and if necessary a second round of interviews between 4/20/2015 and 4/24/2015. Our goal is to fill this position as soon as possible..
At the request of the OSPCD Director, the Senior Transportation Planner will be advertised once a new Transportation of Infrastructure Director is on board so that they may take part in the hiring process.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
William Roche
Director of Personnel