City of Somerville header
File #: 212659    Version: 1
Type: Order Status: Approved
File created: 11/22/2021 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/23/2021 Final action: 11/23/2021
Enactment date: 11/23/2021 Enactment #: 212659
Title: That the City Council approve four amendments to the Rules of the City Council, as written herein and as recommended by the Special Committee on Rules.
Sponsors: William A. White Jr., Mary Jo Rossetti, Lance L. Davis
Attachments: 1. Proposed Rule Amendments (with 212232)

  Agenda Text


That the City Council approve four amendments to the Rules of the City Council, as written herein and as recommended by the Special Committee on Rules.



Official Text

That the City Council approve the 4 amendments to the Rules of the City Council, as written herein and as recommended by the Special Committee on Rules.


Rule 17.  Members shall not act in a disrespectful, abusive or threatening manner towards members of the community, other elected or appointed officials, and City employees. Members shall participate and interact in Council and committee meetings with dignity and decorum fitting those who hold a position of public trust.


Rule 1718. Every member when about to speak, shall address the President or committee chair, as the case may be,  as "Mister/Madame President", and shall confine himself/herselfthemself to the question under debate, avoiding personal remarks at all times.


Rule 2425. The president shall annually, as soon after the organization of the city council as may be convenient, appoint the members to the following standing committees, and any special committees he/she may choose to create. The president may, at any time and for any reason, change the membership of any committee. The president shall not serve as chair or vice chair of any standing committee.


Rule 2627. A majority of a committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The chair shall take the chair at the hour fixed or to which the committee has recessed, and shall convene the meeting. The chair shall preserve decorum and order. If a quorum is not present at such time, then the chair shall recess such meeting until a quorum is in attendance, but if a quorum fails to materialize within thirty minutes of the time originally set forth, then the chair shall adjourn such meeting forthwith, and shall prepare a report of the committee indicating such.