Agenda Text
Supporting Senate #1376, An Act Relative to Automated Enforcement.
Official Text
WHEREAS: 74 pedestrians and 11 bicyclists, and 350 total travelers, were killed in crashes with motor vehicles Massachusetts in 2017, almost all of them in urban areas; and
WHEREAS: Drivers speeding or running red lights are responsible for many of these deaths, and from 2014 to 2017 resulted in 28% of annual fatalities nationwide at signalized intersections; and
WHEREAS: Speeding has even worse consequences, and data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System show that speeding was associated with 30% of traffic deaths nationwide from 2006 to 2015; and
WHEREAS: Over 400 communities in the U.S. use red light cameras and over 130 communities use cameras to enforce speed laws (National Conference of State Legislatures); and
WHEREAS: A review of 28 automated speed enforcement studies found that the cameras at intersections reduced crashes between 8% and 49% (National Transportation Safety Board); and
WHEREAS: In Maryland, a study showed that the proportion of drivers traveling more than 10 mph above the speed limit declined by about 70% for locations with warning signs and speed camera enforcement (Traffic Injury Prevention Journal); and
WHEREAS: This bill is consistent with, and necessary for, the successful implementation of the Somerville Vision Zero Plan; and
WHEREAS: This bill requires public notice of enforcement camera operation and locations, enhancing education about safe vehicle operations and insuring transparency; and
WHEREAS: This bill contains provisions designed to protect the privacy of vehicle owners and drivers and also requires statewide reporting and a study of unintended racial or socioeconomic enforcement disparities; and
WHEREAS: The bill requires the Mass Department of Transportation to publish a report after three years on the public safety and racial and social equity impacts of the programs; and
WHEREAS: The bill forbids municipalities from contracting with vendors for automated enforcement services with incentives based on the number of tickets issued; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED: That the Somerville City Council supports the enactment of Senate No.1376, An Act Relative to Automated Enforcement; AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED: That the Somerville City Council intends to adopt the local option once the state legislation is signed into law; AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED: That the City Clerk communicate this resolution to Somerville’s delegation in the State Legislature and to Governor Charlie Baker.