Agenda Text
Supporting full implementation of body worn cameras by sworn personnel in the Police Department.
Official Text
WHEREAS, Significant evidence exists that body worn cameras on sworn police personnel are a critical tool that increases transparency and accountability of policing, and preserve important records of same; and
WHEREAS, The Administration has vigorously pursued full implementation of body worn cameras for sworn personnel in the Somerville Police Department since at least 2015; and
WHEREAS, The City has been unable to reach an agreement with its police unions or an award from an arbitrator to allow the City to implement body worn cameras; and
WHEREAS, The Mayor and the Somerville Board of Health have declared systemic racism a public health and safety threat; and
WHEREAS, Somerville residents, Somerville police officers, and the broader community should not have to continue to wait for the implementation of this vital public safety necessity; and
WHEREAS, Communities across the Commonwealth and the nation have taken this step to serve the public safety interests of their communities, and it has become a standard progressive law enforcement tool; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Somerville City Council take all steps for full implementation of body worn cameras for police officers; AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED, That the City of Somerville explore all options for such implementation; AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Somerville City Council commit to efforts to gain the support of its police unions on this issue; AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to all members of our State Delegation and to the Governor.