Agenda Text
Director of Parking responding to items approved at the 12/10/20 meeting.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
In response to:
Agenda Item 210985
That the Director of Parking discuss with the appropriate committee, implementing income-based parking ticket fines for residents, as well as "day-fine" scales to set ticket penalties according to an individual's daily income.
We are happy to discuss this with the Administration and the Parking Study.
Agenda Item 211022
That the Commissioner of Public Works install a CITY LINE sign on Norfolk Street at the Cambridge city line.
We will add this to the work order list.
Agenda Item 211023
That the Director of Parking install a NO PARKING sign at 420 Norfolk Street, where the driveway spacing is apparently too close to allow a parking space.
We will add this to the work order list.
Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.
Suzanne Rinfret
Director of Parking Department