Agenda Text
David Bresnick submitting comments re: #207461 and #207498, Tree Protection Ordinance.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
I wanted to reiterate my position against the tree ordinance in it's current form. It's been updated a since my last review and while I like many of the changes, I still believe the ordinance too heavily restricts small scale property owners (1-2 units) from occasional tree maintenance or removal as a course of normal property upkeep. I assert that the more pressing danger to the urban forest is commercial and city development and heavier restrictions should point towards those groups while small scale property owners should be afforded more freedom to manage the 5-10 trees on their property.
I'm happy to provide further detail and recommend changes, mainly regarding "Sec 12-112. Removal of Private Trees", to the appropriate group.
Thanks for listening,
-David Bresnick
34 Burnham St