Agenda Text
Proposing an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to modify Article 6 Establishment of Zoning Districts, Article 7 Permitted Uses, and Article 16 Planned Unit Development, to allow Self-Storage Uses under certain conditions in the Assembly Square Mixed Use District, and establish specific development standards for self-storage and similar uses along I-93.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board of Aldermen:
On behalf of Alderman Roche, the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (OSPCD) is submitting an amendment to the Somerville Zoning Ordinance (SZO) to address development in the Assembly Square Mixed Use District (ASMD) adjacent to Interstate 93, and specifically development of self-storage facilities on parcels adjacent to the highway. The proposed ordinance provide that self-storage facilities could be allowed through the Special Permit with Site Plan Review Assembly Square (SPSR-A) process under certain circumstances. Such projects would have to meet a specific set of findings outlined in the ordinance, and be subject to specific design standards to ensure that the structures look and feel appropriate for the district.
The attached report from the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (OSPCD) more fully describes the ordinance.
OSPCD staff will be available to answer any questions you may have concerning this requested change to the SZO.
Respectfully submitted,
AMENDED: Approved language attached as "ASMD storage (ordinance) 12-8-10."